Від головного редактора

  • В. А. Кунах Інститут молекулярної біології і генетики НАН України Україна, 03143, м. Київ, вул. Академіка Заболотного, 150


Holubenko A.V., Drobyk N.M., Konvalyuk I.I., Kunakh V.A. XVІI International scientific conference «Factors in experimental evolution of organisms». Visn. Ukr. Tov. Genet. Selec. 2022. Vol. 20(1-2). P.74-89. [In Ukrainian]

Kunakh V.A. Development of genetics at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv: Akademperiodika, 2009, 102 р. [In Ukrainian]

Kunakh V.A. A few words on the occasion of the three anniversaries of Ukrainian genetic science. Visn. Ukr. Tov. Genet. Selec. 2017а. Vol. 15. (1). P. 3-4. [In Ukrainian]

Kunakh V.A. Chronology of Vavilov society geneticists and breeders of Ukraine in the congresses. To the 50th anniversary of the founding. Visn. Ukr. Tov. Genet. Selec. 2017b. Vol. 15. (1). P. 79-96. [In Ukrainian]

Kunakh V.A. Some moments in the history of Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders of Ukraine. (On the 50th anniversary of foundation). Factors in experimental evolution of organisms. 2017c. Vol. 20. P. 11 - 19.

Kunakh V.A. Our journal is 50! Cytology and Genetics. 2017d. Vol. 51 (2). P. 9-11 [In Ukrainian]

Kunakh V.A. Prevention of genetics and breeding research in Ukraine (to 100 years from the time of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). Factors in expetrimental evolution of organisms. 2018. Vol. 22. P. 10 - 21. [In Ukrainian]

Kunakh V.A. On the occasion of the publication of the first 25 volumes of a collection of academic papers “Factors in experimental evolution of organisms”. Factors in experimental evolution of organisms. 2020. Vol. 26. P. 10 – 11 [In Ukrainian] doi: 10.7124/FEEO.v.26.1232

Kunakh V.A., Demidov S.V., Kozeretska I.A., Topchyi N.M. History of genetics in Ukraine. Kyiv: Phytosociосenter, 2009, 140 p. [In Ukrainian]

Kunakh V.A., Mozhylevska L.P. The bibliostatistical analysis of the first 25 volumes of a collection of academic papers «Factors in experimental evolution of organisms». Factors in expetrimental evolution of organisms. 2020. Vol. 26. P. 12 - 20. [In Ukrainian] doi: 10.7124/FEEO.v.26.1233.

Nikolaychuk V.I., Vakerych M.M. Genetics: Textbook for students of higher educational institutions. Uzhhorod: Hrazdha, 2013. 506 p. [In Ukrainian]