Genetic control of hypodermis color in pericarp of sunflower seeds

  • N. A. Poliakova Institute of oilseed crops NAAS of UkraineUkraine, 70417, Zaporizhia obl. Zaporizhia raion, Sonyachne, Instytutska str., 1


Aim. To establish genetic control of hypodermis pigmentation in 17 sunflower lines. Methods. Field experiment methodology, and methods of genetic analysis of qualitative traits were used. Results. It was determined that in lines InK630 and InK85 white hypodermis coloration is inherited monogenic dominant in relation to brown hypodermis lines MV4 and MV8; yellow shade of hypodermis in lines K103 and APS56 is inherited monogenic dominant in relation to brown pigmentation lines GK454 and M19; and  yellow shade of hypodermis in I2K2218 line is monogenic dominant over hypodermis in white color line InK630. Conclusions. Hypodermis coloration is controlled by a single gene which has three alleles. We suggest designating allele of yellow shade of hypodermis, first described by us, as Hypyw. It was established that lines MV4, MV8, L2094-13, KR-2, L2544, HA300B, H2111B, ZL44B are donors of brown hypodermis pigmentation, and line InK85 is donor of white hypodermis.

Keywords: sunflower, pericarp, hypodermis, testa layer,  color inheritance.


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