Genetic aspects of the gene pool evaluation in some pig breeds

  • I. F. Parasochka Institute of Animal Science, NAAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, 62404, Kharkov region., Kharkov district, village Kulinichi, st. 7th Guards Army, 3
  • K. V. Bodryashova M.V. Zubets Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics, NAAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, 08321, Kyiv Region, Boryspil District, v. Chubinsky, Pogrybniak str., 1


Aim. Development of genetic approaches to immunogenetic characterization of breeding material to preserve the characteristics of a breed in pig herds. Methods. Two breeds from the top swine-breeding farms were used for the study: the Large White and the Large Black breeds. Analysis of erythrocyte antigens and immunogenetic parameters, along with the cytogenetic analysis were used for the study. Results. Based on the data of immunogenetic analysis of pig herds the features of the gene pool of the Large White and the Large Black breeds were identified. Controlled populations are characterized by high frequency of Ао, Н and Lbcgialleles. A characteristic feature of the Large Black is high frequency of Fbd and Gа alleles compared to the Large White breed. The greatest diversity shows the gene pool of animals of the Stud Farm "Krasnaya Zvezda". Assessment of consolidation by the blood group systems showed that the herd of PAF "Dzvenyache" was most consolidated by the EAE system, while the herd of LLC "Mayak" was most consolidated by the EAL system. By the EAL system, an increased number of homozygous genotypes was recorded in the LLC "Mayak" and OAJSC "Russia". Cytogenetic studies revealed the structural chromosome aberrations in the group of hybrid animals. Genetic information obtained in these studies makes it possible to offer certain methodological approaches to the complex use of genetic markers for work with pig herds. Conclusions. The genetic structure of the Large White and the Large Black pig breeds was analyzed, the results of immunogenetic studies should be considered in evaluation of the specificity of breeds to provide their gene pool conservation during the reproduction. It is found that the purebred pigs of the Large Black of the PAF "Dzvenyache" have the more stable karyotype as determined by the cytogenetic analysis.

Keywords: imunogenetic markers, karyotype, gene pool, pig breeds.


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