Genetic polymorphism of the invasive species Impatiens parviflora DC. in Ukraine
Impatiens parviflora DC. is one of the most successful invasive plant species in Central Europe. Its natural distribution range includes Central and Northeast Asia. I. parviflora demonstrates a unique ability among other invasive plants to spread in stable, species-rich phytocenoses, in particular, it successfully penetrates forest ecosystems. The genetic diversity of populations of this species remains unexplored in most invasive distribution areas. Aim. To investigate the genetic polymorphism of Ukrainian populations of I. parviflora. Methods. PCR amplification, electrophoretic separation of PCR products, bioinformatic and statistical analysis. Results. Using ISSR markers, genetic analysis of 15 samples of I. parviflora was carried out. It was found that the polymorphism of this invasive species in Ukraine is low (Shannon index I=0.260). According to the results of STRUCTURE analysis, the studied samples are divided into two main genetic clusters. Conclusions. The level of genetic polymorphism of I. parviflora is within the limits typical for invasive plants. Two main genetic variants are widespread throughout the study area. For individual genotypes of I. parviflora, a wide geographical distribution has been revealed, and, at the same time, different genetic variants can be found within the same territory.
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