Chromosomal fragment from Streptomyces globisporus 1912-2 homologous to afsA-gene of S. griseus NBRC 13350

  • L. V. Polishchuk Institute of Microbiology and Virology, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03680, Kyiv, Zabolotny str., 154


Aim. To identify the chromosomal fragment of S. globisporus 1912-2 homologous to S. griseus NBRC 13350 arpA gene and to assess the similarity of primary structure of the fragment and arpA genes of other microorganisms in silico. Methods. NCBI Web BLAST Service (blastx, discontiguous megablast) was used for in silico analysis of the contigs of S. grlobisporus 1912-2 and Internet databases. Results. The nucleotide sequence of S. globisporus 1912-2 with afsA gene, which coded the enzyme AfsA, was located on Contig 70 (5134 – 6078 bp). It was shown the significant homology (84 %) of primary structure of afsA gene for S. globisporus 1912-2 and S. griseus NBRC 13350. Only seven strains from four genera of streptomycetes showed homology of afsA-gene sequence to S. globisporus 1912-2 higher than 80 % with the degree of identity of 75 %. Conclusions. The afsA gene coding the enzyme (AfsA), which provides the synthesis of A-faktor like substance, is located on the chromosome of S. globisporus 1912-2 (Contig 70, 5134- 6078 bp). The AfsA enzyme of S. globisporus 1912-2 has a structure typical of enzymes of hot dog superfamily with two hot-dog fold domains from AfsA-family.

Keywords: Streptomycetes, nucleotide sequence, homology, gene, enzyme.


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