Physiological and morphological characteristics of new forms and varieties of spring false flax (Camelina sativa)

  • Д. Б. Рахметов National Botanical Garden named M.M. Gryshko, NAS of Ukraine Ukraine, 01014, Kyiv, Timiryazevskaya str., 1
  • С. О. Рахметова National Botanical Garden named M.M. Gryshko, NAS of Ukraine Ukraine, 01014, Kyiv, Timiryazevskaya str., 1
  • Ю. М. Бойчук Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics, NAS of Ukraine Ukraine , 04123, Kyiv, Osipovskaya str., 2a
  • Я. Б. Блюм Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics, NAS of Ukraine Ukraine , 04123, Kyiv, Osipovskaya str., 2a
  • А. І. Ємець Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics, NAS of Ukraine Ukraine , 04123, Kyiv, Osipovskaya str., 2a


characteristics of new forms and varieties of spring false flax of Ukrainian selection. Methods. During the growing season among high performance forms and varieties of spring false flax was conducted pilot study according to generally accepted methods. Results. New forms and false flax varieties have a high productive potential and are distinguished by morphological and physiological characteristics, as well as yield characteristics. Among the studied genotypes most remarkable were FEORZHYAF-4 form, Victory and Euro 12 varieties. Conclusions. Main morphometric parameters of plants depend on form diversity, vegetation conditions, phase of development, timing and methods of sowing, as well as elements of care for the crops. Thus, the investigated varieties and forms can take an important place in the production of oil to produce biodiesel and creating high-protein forage in the form of meal and oilcake.

Keywords: false flax (Camelina sativa), forms, varieties, morphological and physiological features.