REP-PCR analisis of single agent of cucumber bacterial diseases

  • L. A. Dankevych Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03143, Kyiv, Zabolotnogo str., 154


Aim. For the purpose of correct species identification and estimation of population’s heterogeneity, the fingerprinting of the genome of isolated by us Pectobacterium sp., collection «Erwinia toxica» strains and typical representatives of certain species of Pectobacterium and Diskeya genera has been carried out. Methods. In the course of research, microbiological, molecular genetic (REP-PCR), mathematical-statistical methods of research were used. Results. On the basic of BOX, REP and ERIC profiles the significant affinity between isolated Pectobacterium sp. and collections «Erwinia toxica» strains with the typical P. carotovorum susp. carotovorum UCM B1075T has been established. Genetic heterogeneity of isolated Pectobacterium sp. and collections «Erwinia toxica» strains has been estimated. Conclusions. It has been found the significant relationship between isolates Pectobacterium sp. and the collection «Erwinia toxica» strains with the typical strain P. carotovorum susp carotovorum UCM B1075T on the basic of their BOX, REP and ERIC profiles. Most likely, this indicates that they belong to this species. The genetic homogeneity of isolated Pectobacterium sp. strains of and the genetic heterogeneity of the collection «Erwinia toxica» strains is probably due to the plant’s selection from similar or different region.

Keywords: identification, genetic heterogeneity, REPPCR, «Erwinia toxica», Pectobacterium sp.


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