Stem deposition ability in modern winter wheat varieties under different environmental conditions as a physiological marker of their productivity

  • G. A. Priadkina Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03022, Kyiv, str. Vasylkivska, 31/17
  • O. V. Zborovska Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03022, Kyiv, str. Vasylkivska, 31/17
  • P. L. Ryzhykova Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03022, Kyiv, str. Vasylkivska, 31/17


Aim. The search of relationship between characteristics of the stem deposition ability in winter wheat modern varieties and grains productivity under different environmental conditions. Methods. Field, biochemical (soluble stem carbohydrates) methods and mathematical-statistical analysis. Results. The deposition ability of the stem - a difference of content and the total amount of the water-soluble carbohydrates in the stem of the main shoot and weight of its dry matter content in the phases of flowering and full maturity – for 5 varieties of winter wheat in the years significantly different in weather conditions during grain filling were investigated. It is shown that the difference in weight of stem dry matter at the flowering phase and full ripeness and the grain mass of ear significantly varied with different weather conditions during the grain filling, as well as different varieties. A correlation between the mass of a main shoot grain ear with these indices was analyzed. A close positive correlation (r=0.88±0.13) between the grain mass of ear and the difference in weight of stem dry matter at the flowering phase and full ripeness was found. Conclusions. A physiological marker associated with high productivity of ear in different environmental conditions, which is simple to measure and closely linked to weight of grain from an ear was proposed.

Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., stem deposited ability, water-soluble carbohydrates, grain productivity.


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