Physiological and biochemical research characteristics of plant Nicotiana tabacum, expressing genes desA or desC under different temperatures stress

  • T. M. Kyrpa-Nesmiian Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering NAS of Ukraine, 148 Akad. Zabolotnoho St., 03143, Kyiv
  • Y. V. Sheludko Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering NAS of Ukraine, 148 Akad. Zabolotnoho St., 03143, Kyiv
  • M. V. Kuchuk Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering NAS of Ukraine, 148 Akad. Zabolotnoho St., 03143, Kyiv


Aim. For modifying of the plant organisms with genetic engineering techniques to produce genus stress resistant low temperatures or frosts it is necessary to check their physiological characteristics at high temperatures stress. Methods. In this study we used Nicotiana tabacum plants, expressing of cyanobacterial acyl-lipid desaturases genes (desA or desC), plants were tested for the level of malondialdehyde accumulation and gene expression by the reporter protein thermostable lichenase after exposure to thermal stress. Results. We discovered the reduced malondialdehyde accumulation in plants and increased expression desaturases genes after cold stress and high temperature stress. Conclusions. Cyanobacterial desaturases gene expression in Nicotiana tabacum plants did not increase their sensitivity to the high temperatures stress.

Keywords: acyl-lipid desaturases, malondialdehyde, thermostable lichenase


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