Modification of radiation-induced cytogenetic effects in human lymphocytes by the action of ascorbic acid

  • Э. А. Дёмина R.E. Kavetsky Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine, 03022, Kyiv, Vasilkivska str., 45
  • Е. П. Пилипчук R.E. Kavetsky Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine, 03022, Kyiv, Vasilkivska str., 45


Aim. Aim is to investigate nature of the effect of ascorbic acid on the formation of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in human immunocompetent cells in vitro. Methods. Test system of culture of human peripheral blood lymphocytes with metaphase analysis of chromosome aberrations in the first post-radiation mitosis. Results. Radioprotective and co- mutagenic effects were found in combined action of radiation exposure (0,3 – 2,0 Gy) and ascorbic acid (20,0-80,0 µg/ml) action at chromosomal level in lymphocytes of peripheral human blood in vitro. Ascorbic acid radioprotective effect at a therapeutic level was observed upon irradiation at low doses while co-mutagenic effect made itself felt upon irradiation at high doses due to increased frequency of the radiation markers and depended on the period of the cell cycle.

 Conclusion Modification of radiation-induced cytogenetic effects in cultures of human peripheral blood lymphocytes under the influence of ascorbic acid is dependent on the concentration of the drug, the absorbed dose of radiation, as well as cell radiosensitivity. It could be concluded that high concentrations of ascorbic acid potentiate the damaging effect of low doses of ionizing radiation

Keywords: ionizing radiation, ascorbic acid, chromosomal aberrations, co-mutagenic effects, somatic human cells.