Professor A.I. Opalko – well-known ukrainian breeder and geneticist (to 70th anniversary)

  • В. А. Кунах Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine Ukraine, 03680, Kyiv, Academika Zabolotnoho str., 150


The basic milestones of life and the most important scientific achievements and advances in scientific and pedagogical work of the Head of Cherkasy Regional Branch of the MI Vavilov Ukrainian Society of Geneticists and Breeders, Head of the Department of Physiology, Genetics, Plant breeding and Biotechnology of “Sofiyivka" National Park, NAS of Ukraine, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of Department of Genetics, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology of Uman National University of Horticulture, Excellence in Agricultural Education, titul-author of the first textbook on selection of fruit and vegetable crops in Ukraine and a number of guidelines of known breeder and geneticist Anatoly Ivanovich Opalkо have been highlighted.

Key words: A.I. Opalko, history of science, genetics, breeding, plant biotechnology, anthropoadaptability of crops.