Genetic control of plant morphogenesis in in vitro culture
Plant morphogenesis is the result of complex interactions of genetic, epigenetic and hormonal factors that determine the development of cells and tissues in in vitro culture. In recent decades, basic research has greatly advanced the understanding of the genetic mechanisms that control key processes of morphogenesis, such as callusogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, and de novo organogenesis. It was found that certain structural and regulatory genes play a crucial role in reprogramming cells to a totipotent state, where they are able to form various morphological structures. Hormones, such as auxins and cytokinins, contribute to the induction of these processes by changing the expression of genes responsible for division, differentiation and other aspects of morphogenesis. The literature review presents modern ideas on genetic control of morphogenesis in plant culture in vitro. A wide range of key genes that determine callus formation is given; participate in somatic embryogenesis and enhancement of the somatic embryogenic response; involved in the ectopic formation of somatic embryos or meristems; control de novo organogenesis and participate in hormone signal transduction. The interaction of various transcription factors, which participate in the induction of morphogenesis and are involved in the signaling pathway of hormones, is shown.
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