The influence of light conditions and carbon sources on the water regime of in vitro plants of the genus Gentiana L.
Aim to study the changes in the water balance of plants in vitro of rare species of the genus Gentiana L. (Gentiana lutea L., Gentiana punctata L., Gentiana acaulis L.) depending on the light conditions of cultivation and the source of carbon in the culture medium. Methods. In vitro cultivation of plants, method of determination of transpiration intensity, water deficit, water-holding capacity, total water content in plants. Results. Significant interspecific differences in the parameters of water balance of plants in vitro cultivated on sucrose and mannitol under different light conditions were revealed. It was found that during cultivation on sucrose, the transpiration intensity was the highest in G . lutea in vitro plants, and the lowest in G. acaulis. Indicators of water holding capacity, regardless of the variant of SC, are also the lowest in G. lutea plants . The second position is occupied by G. punctata plants, and the tissues of G. acaulis plants have the highest water retention capacity . Regarding the amount of water per unit mass of dry matter, the least of it is contained in G. acaulis plants, and the most - in G. punctata plants. Under simulated water stress, the intensity of transpiration in in vitro plants of the studied species, compared to the sucrose cultivation variants, decreases by 1.2-4.8 times (1.1 variant SC) and 1.4-5.3 times (2.1 variant SC). The water-holding capacity of plants also increases under simulated water deficit in plants, but the values of this parameter depend on the population and light regime of cultivation. Conclusions. It has been established that optimization of light conditions for in vitro growth of G. lutea, G. punctata, and G. acaulis species can be used to target the mechanisms regulating their water balance both under conditions of high relative humidity of cultivation air and low water potential of nutrient media caused by the addition of sucrose to its composition, and under simulated water stress with the use of mannitol as a carbon source in the nutrient medium. It is shown that despite the same cultivation conditions, the species differ in terms of transpiration intensity, water deficit, moisture retention capacity, and total water content.
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