Visnik ukrains'kogo tovaristva genetikiv i selekcioneriv en-US (Кунах В.А.) Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:47:17 +0200 OJS 60 Table of content Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Address from the President of the VSGBU on the occasion of preparation for the XI Congress V. A. Kunakh Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Analysis of nucleotide sequences of bacterial retrointrons for the presence of homology to eukaryotic MGE <p><strong>Aims</strong><strong>. </strong>To analyze the sequences of bacterial retrointrons for the presence of homology to representatives of various classes of eukaryotic mobile genetic elements (MGE). <strong>Methods</strong>. Nucleotide sequences of bacterial group II introns were taken for analysis from the Database for Bacterial Group II Introns. The results of the search and identification of MGE have been realized by CENSOR program.&nbsp;<strong>Results.</strong> In the analyzed sequences of bacterial retrointrons, fragments of sequences of both classes of eukaryotic MGEs were found in various combinations: non-LTR; LTR; DNA; non-LTR+LTR; non-LTR+DNA; LTR+DNA; non-LTR+LTR+DNA. The largest group of retrointrons contains MGEs of various classes. <strong>Conclusions</strong>.&nbsp;Bacterial retrointrons can be not only ancestors of non-LTR retroelements, but also carriers of fragmentary nucleotide sequences for the formation of various eukaryotic MGEs.</p> O. V. Pidpala, L. L. Lukash Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Genetic polymorphism of the invasive species Impatiens parviflora DC. in Ukraine <p><em>Impatiens parviflora</em> DC. is one of the most successful invasive plant species in Central Europe. Its natural distribution range includes Central and Northeast Asia. <em>I.&nbsp;parviflora</em> demonstrates a unique ability among other invasive plants to spread in stable, species-rich phytocenoses, in particular, it successfully penetrates forest ecosystems. The genetic diversity of populations of this species remains unexplored in most invasive distribution areas. <strong>Aim</strong>. To investigate the genetic polymorphism of Ukrainian populations of <em>I.&nbsp;parviflora</em>. <strong>Methods.</strong> PCR amplification, electrophoretic separation of PCR products, bioinformatic and statistical analysis. <strong>Results</strong>. Using ISSR markers, genetic analysis of 15 samples of <em>I.&nbsp;parviflora</em> was carried out. It was found that the polymorphism of this invasive species in Ukraine is low (Shannon index <em>I</em>=0.260). According to the results of STRUCTURE analysis, the studied samples are divided into two main genetic clusters. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The level of genetic polymorphism of <em>I.&nbsp;parviflora</em> is within the limits typical for invasive plants. Two main genetic variants are widespread throughout the study area. For individual genotypes of <em>I.&nbsp;parviflora</em>, a wide geographical distribution has been revealed, and, at the same time, different genetic variants can be found within the same territory.</p> Y. O. Tynkevich, T. S. Hrek, I. G. Olshanskyi, I. I. Panchuk, R. A. Volkov Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Molecular genetic analysis of Rauvolfia serpentina tissue culture strain K-27M using the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of 35S rRNA genes <p>Hormone-independent strain K-27M of <em>Rauvolfia serpentina</em> tissue culture, which is a valuable source of indoline alkaloids, was created in the Department of genetics of cell populations at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This strain differs significantly from <em>R. serpentina </em>plants in composition and content of alkaloids. Furthermore, there are no clear data on the plant material used to obtain this tissue culture strain. The <strong>aim of this study</strong> was to carry out species identification of tissue culture strain K-27M based on molecular genetic analysis of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the 35S ribosomal RNA genes (35S rDNA). <strong>Methods.</strong> Polymerase chain reaction, cloning, sequencing, phylogenetic analysis. <strong>Results.</strong> The ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the 35S rDNA of the K-27M strain was amplified with PCR using specific primers. Several clones were obtained, two of which were used for sequencing. The sequenced clones differed in length due to two deletions in one of them, as well as in nucleotide sequence. The presence of a deletion in the 18S rRNA gene region and numerous single nucleotide substitutions in the 18S and 5.8S rRNA gene regions in one of the clones may indicate that the 35S rRNA gene variant from which it was amplified is non-functional. Phylogenetic analysis using 26 sequences of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region from 7 species of the genus Rauvolfia found in GenBank showed that the clones obtained from strain K-27M were grouped in a separate cluster together with other samples of <em>R. serpentina</em>.<strong> Conclusions</strong>. Based on molecular genetic analysis of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the 35S rDNA, the tissue culture strain K-27M was found to belong to the species <em>R. serpentina</em>.</p> I. O. Andreev, І. І. Konvalyuk, V. M. Mel'nyk, M. V. Humeniuk, V. A. Kunakh Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Genomic analysis of the Antarctic actinomycete Micromonospora endolithica strain AA-459 <p><strong>Aim</strong>. To investigate the genome annotation of <em>M. endolithica</em> AA-459 for the presence of unique genes and their combinations, as well as to assess the production potential of the strain by analysing secondary metabolism clusters. <strong>Methods</strong>. Genome annotation was performed using the RAST tool, and the search for secondary metabolism clusters was performed using the AntiSMASH tool. <strong>Results</strong>. Genome annotation identified 6,593 coding regions, including 9 rRNA and 67 tRNA genes. Functional characterization revealed genes spanning 24 subsystems. Protein metabolism was represented by 235 genes, carbohydrate metabolism involved 266 genes, 281 genes involved in amino acid metabolism, 99 genes associated with lipid and fatty acid metabolism. AntiSMASH analysis identified 17 potential secondary metabolite clusters in the genome of <em>M. endolithica</em> AA-459. Notably, two clusters showed high homology to those of known compounds. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. The genome analysis of <em>M. endolithica</em> AA-459 demonstrated the high production potential of the strain, which indicates the importance of the Antarctic region in the context of new compound discovery. However, the number of described compounds from this region remains low, which may be due to the lack of optimal conditions for the expression of the relevant genes. Further research in this area will reveal the biotechnological potential of Antarctic actinomycetes.</p> І. І. Roman, O. M. Gromyko Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 The influence of light conditions and carbon sources on the water regime of in vitro plants of the genus Gentiana L. <p><strong>Aim</strong> to study the changes <em>in the</em> water balance of plants <em>in</em> <em>vitro</em> of rare species of the genus <em>Gentiana</em> L. (<em>Gentiana</em> <em>lutea</em> L., <em>Gentiana</em> <em>punctata</em> L., <em>Gentiana</em> <em>acaulis</em> L.) depending on the light conditions of cultivation and the source of carbon in the culture medium. <strong>Methods</strong>. <em>In</em> <em>vitro</em> cultivation of plants, method of determination of transpiration intensity, water deficit, water-holding capacity, total water content in plants. <strong>Results</strong>. Significant interspecific differences in the parameters of water balance of plants <em>in</em> <em>vitro</em> cultivated on sucrose and mannitol under different light conditions were revealed. It was found that during cultivation on sucrose, the transpiration intensity was the highest in G <em>. lutea</em> <em>in</em> <em>vitro</em> plants, and the lowest in <em>G. acaulis</em>. Indicators of water holding capacity, regardless of the variant of SC, are also the lowest in <em>G. lutea</em> plants <em>.</em> The second position is occupied by <em>G. punctata</em> plants, and the tissues of <em>G. acaulis</em> plants have the highest water retention capacity <em>.</em> Regarding the amount of water per unit mass of dry matter, the least of it is contained in <em>G. acaulis </em>plants, and the most - in <em>G. punctata</em> plants. Under simulated water stress, the intensity of transpiration in in vitro plants of the studied species, compared to the sucrose cultivation variants, decreases by 1.2-4.8 times (1.1 variant SC) and 1.4-5.3 times (2.1 variant SC). The water-holding capacity of plants also increases under simulated water deficit in plants, but the values of this parameter depend on the population and light regime of cultivation. <strong>Conclusions</strong>. It has been established that optimization of light conditions for <em>in</em> <em>vitro</em> growth of <em>G. lutea</em>, <em>G. punctata</em>, and <em>G. acaulis</em> species can be used to target the mechanisms regulating their water balance both under conditions of high relative humidity of cultivation air and low water potential of nutrient media caused by the addition of sucrose to its composition, and under simulated water stress with the use of mannitol as a carbon source in the nutrient medium. It is shown that despite the same cultivation conditions, the species differ in terms of transpiration intensity, water deficit, moisture retention capacity, and total water content.</p> L. R. Hrytsak, D. A. Fedorchak, D. A. Boiko, N. M. Drobyk Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Genetic control of plant morphogenesis in in vitro culture <p>Plant morphogenesis is the result of complex interactions of genetic, epigenetic and hormonal factors that determine the development of cells and tissues in <em>in vitro</em> culture. In recent decades, basic research has greatly advanced the understanding of the genetic mechanisms that control key processes of morphogenesis, such as callusogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, and <em>de novo</em> organogenesis. It was found that certain structural and regulatory genes play a crucial role in reprogramming cells to a totipotent state, where they are able to form various morphological structures. Hormones, such as auxins and cytokinins, contribute to the induction of these processes by changing the expression of genes responsible for division, differentiation and other aspects of morphogenesis. The literature review presents modern ideas on genetic control of morphogenesis in plant culture <em>in vitro</em>. A wide range of key genes that determine callus formation is given; participate in somatic embryogenesis and enhancement of the somatic embryogenic response; involved in the ectopic formation of somatic embryos or meristems; control de novo organogenesis and participate in hormone signal transduction. The interaction of various transcription factors, which participate in the induction of morphogenesis and are involved in the signaling pathway of hormones, is shown.</p> O. V. Dubrovna, S. I. Mykhalska, A. H. Komisarenko Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Development of biosensor technologies for the determination of genetically modified organisms <p>In the nearly three decades since genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were first commercialized, genetically modified (GM) crops have gained an advantage over their conventional counterparts. The main traits introduced into commercialized plants are herbicide and pest resistance. The introduction of GM crops into agriculture has led to increased crop productivity. Despite their rapid and widespread introduction, GMOs have raised public concerns about their effects on human health and the environment, leading to consumer concerns about the safety of transgenic foods. The need to monitor and verify the presence of GMOs in crops and foods has sparked interest in developing analytical methods for sensitive, accurate, rapid, and low-cost GMO detection. DNA biosensors (genosensors) have been conceived as a new DNA detection technology that can replace current amplification-based methods that require expensive equipment and highly skilled personnel. This review summarizes a review of a number of studies on the application of gene sensor technology for qualitative and quantitative detection of transgenic traits.</p> V. D. Naumenko, F. N. Patsyuk, A. I. Yemets, Y. B. Blume Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Genes determining drought resistance of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) <p>The aim of the work is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of plant resistance to abiotic stress and the role of specific genes involved in determining drought resistance in plants, particularly bread wheat. The resistance of plants to abiotic and biotic environmental factors is associated with the activation of a complex phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cascade mediated by protein kinases and phosphatases. The result of this signaling cascade is the activation/repression of transcription factors that are able to regulate the expression of certain genes directly related to plant adaptation to abiotic stress. Transcription factors can be classified into 60 families based on similarities in the primary and/or three-dimensional structure of DNA binding domains, oligomerization patterns, and post-translational modifications, but the most studied to date are 8: AP2/ERF, MYB, bHLH, NAC, WRKY, bZIP, HSF and HDZip. This paper discusses the peculiarities of plant responses, particularly of bread wheat, to abiotic stress caused by drought. It separately discusses the regulation of transcription factor activity during abiotic stress, within the framework of the complex plant response to osmotic stress, which is shaped by multiple pathways. The combination of these pathways ensures the temporal and spatial patterns of gene expression, which play a significant role in the immediate adaptation of bread wheat to water deficit.</p> Ju. A. Sharuk, S. V. Chebotar Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Brief notes on the work of the Ukrainian society of genetics and breeders named after M.I. Vavilov during 2018-2024 (to the XI congress of VSGBU) <p>The scientific and organizational work of the Ukrainian Society of Geneticists and Breeders named after M.I. Vavilov (UTGS) during the period 2018-2024 is briefly reviewed. The main attention is paid to the analysis of scientific conferences held by the Society after the 10th Congress and publications in the Society's publications - the collection of scientific works "Factors of experimental evolution of organisms" and "Bulletin of the Ukrainian Society of Geneticists and Breeders".</p> V. A. Kunakh Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 The gardening Golgotha of professor Volodymyr Symyrenko (to the 130th anniversary of his birth and the centenary of the foundation of the Mliiv Research station of pomology) <p>The article focuses on the life path, scientific, scientific-organizational and public activities of the outstanding scientist-pomologist Professor Volodymyr Levkovych Symyrenko, as well as some moments in the history of the Mliiv Research station of pomology, which he founded. The struggle of V. Symyrenko with representatives of "Michurin biology", who tried to destroy the achievements of Ukrainian scientists in the field of horticulture, liquidate the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Berry Farming in Kyiv, created on the basis of the Mliiv Research station of pomology, and transfer the institute to Kozlov (now the city of Michurinsk, RF). ). The Soviet authorities, starting from 1933, arrested V. Symyrenko three times for so-called "anti-Soviet activities". By the resolution of the prosecutor of the NKVD of the USSR of September 2, 1938, Volodymyr Symyrenko was sentenced to death by shooting. The sentence was carried out on the night of September 17-18, 1938. The scientist was then only 47 years old. He was buried in an unmarked mass grave in the Solyanka tract near Kursk.</p> P. V. Volvach Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Yurii Mykhailovych Syvolap (18.11.1939 – 09.08.2014) N. E. Volkova Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Yuriy Yuriyovych Gleba (to the 75th anniversary) Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Fedir Ivanovych Tovkach (to the 70th anniversary) Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Larysa Antonivna Burdenyuk-Tarasevych (25.06.1938 – 3.05.2024) Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Lyubov Vladimirovna Khotylʹova (12.03.2028 – 22.09.2024) Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 International scientific conference «Factors in experimental evolution of organisms», dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the cell theory, the 180th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Miescher, and the 145th anniversary of the birth of V.Ya. Yuryev I. I. Konvalyuk, M. Z. Prokopiak, N. M. Drobyk, V. A. Kunakh Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 10th International conference "Recent advances in plant biotechnology" (RAPB 2024), dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the outstanding scientist, academician of the NAS of Ukraine Yuri Gleba K. V. Lystvan, N. L. Shcherbak, O. V. Bulko, Yu. S. Luchakivska, M. V. Kuchuk Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 N.E. Volkova 1st International scientific and practical conference "Molecular genetics, breeding, and biotechnology of crops: achievements and challenges", 12.12.2024, Odesa N. E. Volkova Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 ХІ Congress of VSGBU and Joint XX International Scientific Conference «Factors in Experimental Evolution of Organisms». Information letter No 1 Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 Rules for authors Copyright (c) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200