eksperimental'noi evolucii organizmiv2024-10-04T17:49:03+03:00В.А. Кунах Journal Systems<p>Збірник є періодичним виданням, яке представляє наукові праці вітчизняних та зарубіжних спеціалістів, написані спеціально для даного видання. В оглядових і експериментальних статтях наводяться дані з основних напрямів вивчення особливостей еволюції в природі та експерименті, молекулярної структури та організації геномів, генетико-біотехнологічного розширення генетичної мінливості живих організмів, генетики господарсько-цінних ознак рослин і тварин, сучасних методів біотехнології і генетичної інженерії при створенні нового покоління сортів і гібридів культурних рослин, ДНК-технологій і молекулярних маркерів у селекції рослин і тварин, генетики людини та медичної генетики; результати аналізу та оцінки генетичних ресурсів.</p> <p>Для спеціалістів у галузі генетики, селекції, біотехнології, екології, а також викладачів і студентів вищих навчальних закладів III—IV рівнів акредитації.</p> <p>Збірник <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">включено</a> до <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Переліку фахових видань України у галузі біологічних наук</a> (наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України від 17.03.2020 № 409). Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію друкованого засобу масової інформації серія КВ № 20936-10736ПР від 29.08.2014.</p> of content2024-09-24T16:44:13+03:00. .Copyright (c) Yakovych Yuriev: Life and scientific heritage (on the 145th anniversary of his birth)2024-10-04T17:49:03+03:00M. A. Z. ProkopiakH. M. HolineiL. O. Shevchyk<p>The article discusses the main stages of life and scientific activities of the renowned and respected academician-breeder Vasyl Yakovych Yuriev. His name is inextricably linked with the activities of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Plant Breeding, Selection, and Genetics (now Yuriev Plant Production Institute of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine). It is shown that in his scientific work, Vasyl Yakovych paid special attention to the collection of initial material, the selection of parental forms for crossing, developed methods for testing hybrids and varieties at different stages of the selection process, and demonstrated the advantages of the method of selecting pure lines from local wheat populations compared to the ineffective method of mass selection. Based on this method, under his leadership, many high-yielding valuable varieties of winter and spring wheat, rye, millet, barley, and corn were developed. To study the patterns of inheritance of important valuable traits in wheat, V. Ya. Yuriev used intervarietal and interspecies crosses of the diallel type. Many studies have been conducted in the field of breeding varieties for disease and pest resistance and immunity. In recognition of his scientific achievements, the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine established the Vasyl Yakovych Yuriev Prize, which is awarded for the highest achievements in the field of selection and genetics.</p>Copyright (c) and effectiveness of breeding of winter wheat varieties with increased environmental stability2024-09-26T17:20:59+03:00V. V. BazaliyYu. O. LavrynenkoE. O. DomaratskyiO. V. LarchenkoA. V.<p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. The search of adaptive response peculiarities to adverse environmental factors is an important condition of development of varietal technologies and control of adaptive potential of winter wheat varieties. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. The studies were carried out in accordance with the field test methodology. The wheat varieties of different types of growing, different genetic and ecological origins were studied. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. The alternative variety Clarisa and the new universal varieties of winter wheat Perlyna, Askaniyska, Askaniyska Bereginya were characterized by the highest yield at different times of spring vegetation recovery. Thus, on average over the years of research, they exceeded the standard variety of Kherson Bezosta by 0.51–1.27 t/ha in terms of yield, and under unfavorable conditions of the late recovery of spring vegetation, their advantage was at the level of 0.58–1.34 t/ha. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. For stable production of high-yielding winter soft wheat grain, use new varieties of the universal type Askaniyska, Askaniyska Bereginya, Perlyna and alternative types Clarissa, Solomia for different agrophones for late sowing periods according to different predecessors.</p>Copyright (c) influence of flowering periods on productivity characteristics in breeding samples of soft winter wheat created with the involvement of western european ecotypes2024-09-26T17:20:59+03:00R. A. VozhegovaT. Yu. Marchenkotmarchenko@ukr.netYu. O. LavrynenkoH. Н. BazaliiV. V. BazaliyS. V. Mishchenko<p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> To determine the nature of the influence of flowering periods on productivity traits in soft winter wheat lines, which were created with the involvement of late-ripening samples of the Western European ecotype. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Research methods are field, laboratory, selection-genetic, statistical. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. The nature of the manifestation of the "date of flowering" trait in hybrids F1-F3 and selection numbers selected from hybrid populations with the participation of Western European ecotypes of soft winter wheat, the correlation dependence of the date of flowering, grain yield, ear length and the duration of the "flowering-maturity" period were established. Optimums for the manifestation of indicators that determined high yield and ear length were established. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong><em>.</em> For each hybrid population created with the participation of parental components contrasting in duration of vegetation, it is necessary to develop a specific selection plan taking into account intra-population correlations of yield, flowering dates and the duration of the "flowering-maturity" period.</p>Copyright (c) of shoots, ear and yield structure of winter wheat under drought2024-09-26T17:20:59+03:00O. I. Zhukzhukollga@gmail.comO. O. Stasik<p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> The aim of the work was to study the growth of shoots, ears and the structure of the yield of bread winter wheat (<em>Triticum aestivum</em> L.) under drought. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> Wheat plants cultivars Chigyrynka and Jamala were grown under optimal conditions until the earing-flowering phase, after that the experimental plants were transferred to drought regime for 8 days. Optimal water supply was restored to the end of vegetation. During the experiment, shoot growth and ear weight were measured during the experiment. Ripened plants were analyzed the yield structure.<strong><em> Results.</em></strong> It was established that the water deficit in the soil during the critical phase of the ontogeny of earing-flowering delayed the growth of shoots, decreased the weight of the ear grain productivity in both cultivars of plants. Restoration of irrigation stimulated growth of shoots and ears, but did not compensate for the loss of yield.<strong><em> Conclusions.</em></strong> Water deficit in soil in critical earing-flowering phase decreased shoots length, ears weight and productivity of winter wheat plants.</p>Copyright (c) peculiarities of the manifestation of hemp fiberness signs2024-09-26T17:20:59+03:00I. M. Laikoibc_cannabis@ukr.netS. V. Mishchenko<p><strong><em>Aim. </em></strong>To establish the genetic features of the manifestation of signs of fibrousness and yield of stems, depending on growing conditions and harvesting periods. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> New methods were applied: "Method of evaluation of hemp plants for the presence of cannabinoids", "Method of evaluation of individual plants of monoecious hemp varieties by fiber content at the beginning of flowering", "Method of creation of hybrid breeding material of monoecious hemp". <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> It was established that the main conditions for obtaining the maximum amount of fiber and its quality indicators are the use of the late-ripening variety Hlukhivski 51, sowing with a feeding area of 15x5 cm, the diameter of the stems 6-8 mm, the sowing rate of 75 kg/ha (4.2 million pcs./ha) against the background of increased fertilization. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The genetic features of the Hlukhivski 51 variety are high fibrousness and high yield of the stems, which are maximally manifested by observing the conditions of the feeding area of 15x5 cm, the sowing rate of 75 kg/ha (4.2 million pieces/ha) and the increased background of fertilization (N<sub>120</sub>P<sub>90</sub>K<sub>90</sub>). Expansion of the response of genotypes of late-ripening varieties to the level of dry biomass yield of 20 t/ha occurs with a feeding area of 50x5 and 50x10 cm and increased doses of N<sub>150</sub>P<sub>120</sub>K<sub>120</sub> fertilizers. This can become the basis for the use of hemp for bioenergy purposes. When growing production crops for fiber in order to speed up harvesting, an important factor is the start of harvesting at an earlier time, and therefore we recommend growing two varieties of hemp: early-ripening (technical maturity occurs 2 weeks earlier than late-ripening varieties) and late-ripening varieties of hemp.</p>Copyright (c) of propagation of source material for Sorbus Sensu Lato Breeding2024-09-26T17:20:59+03:00M. V. NebykovA. I. Opalkoopalko_a@ukr.netT. A. NebykovaO. A. Opalko<p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong><strong><em>. </em></strong>The permanent growth of interest in rowan and other currently underestimated <em>Sorbus</em> sensu lato crops has prompted the search to improve the accelerated propagation technique of its most valuable genotypes for breeding. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. The experiments involved 3–7-year-old<em> Sorbus</em> sensu lato plants from the National Dendrological Park "Sofiyivka" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine collection. Statistical analysis of the experimental data was performed according to Ronald Fisher. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> It was found that the germination rate of the studied sorboid plants depended on the method of seed preparation. In contrast, the grafting efficiency depended more on the grafting method than on the graft genotype. The use of our modified MS media allowed us to obtain clone formation coefficients (6.6–7.9) sufficient for effective micropropagation and to induce morphogenesis with 59.9–88.8 % of rooted microclones, as well as to achieve stable results of adaptation of the studied <em>Sorbus</em> sensu lato to non-sterile <em>ex vitro </em>conditions both in peat disks (69.1–90.3 %) and in containers with soil substrates (70.4–93.0 %). <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The results of comparing the methods of accelerated propagation of source material for breeding sorboid crops obtained in long-term experiments showed the advantages of micropropagation and the prospects for introducing the micropropagation link into breeding practice and nursery of the most valuable for horticulture<em> Sorbus</em> sensu lato.</p>Copyright (c) of the use of chickpea collection samples in breeding2024-09-26T17:20:59+03:00V. I. Sichkarbobovi.sgi@ukr.netH. D. LavrovaT. O. Dzhus<p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> To determine the breeding value the large number of collection chickpea (<em>Cicer arietinum </em>L.) varieties obtained from the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (India, Patancheru, ICRISAT) and the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine (Kharkiv) was evaluated in 1995-2022 under the conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine. <strong><em>Methods. </em></strong>Standard field and laboratory methods (phenological observations, hybridization, structural analysis, biochemical analysis of protein content in seeds according to the Kjeldahl method), statistical analysis. <strong><em>Results. </em></strong>Donors and sources of such economically valuable features as early maturity, increased productivity, protein content in seeds, large-seeded, resistance against pathogens on an artificially created infectious background were identified. The set of 12 varieties of chickpea were developed by artificial hybridization, which are recommended for cultivation in all zones of Ukraine. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong>The characteristics of the created varieties are given, the most valuable collection genotypes for use in crossing programs are recommended.</p>Copyright (c) broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) damage in different hybrids of Helianthus annuus2024-09-26T17:20:59+03:00S. H. Khablaksergeyhab211981@gmail.comV. M. Spychak<p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong><strong>.</strong> To study the racial composition of broomrape in sunflower crops in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe and Polissya of Ukraine. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Sunflower hybrids were evaluated for resistance to broomrape in soil culture using a modified method and the roll method of seed germination. <strong><em>Results</em>.</strong> The results of the study revealed a different reaction of sunflower hybrids to the parasite. Sunflower hybrids Arizona, Transol, Bosphorus, resistant to race F, were moderately affected by broomrape. On average, there were 5 to 6 nodules of the parasite per sunflower plant. Sunflower hybrids Estrada, Kupava, Kadiks, Laskala, resistant to race G, were affected to a weak extent by broomrape. On average, there were 2-3 nodules of the parasite per sunflower plant. No sunflower hybrids with complete immunity to broomrape were found. Based on the research, the reasons for the widespread spread of broomrape in the fields in the central, northern and western regions of the country were identified. <strong><em>Conclusions</em>.</strong> The emergence of new very aggressive races of broomrape (E, F and G) indicates an important need to solve the problem of creating breeding material resistant to new races of this parasitic plant. The intensive accumulation of the parasite races E, F and G in sunflower crops is associated with the violation of crop rotations and saturation of fields with hybrids of this crop, which are mainly resistant to races 5 (E) and 6 (F) of the parasite.</p>Copyright (c) of biotic and abiotic factors on the performance of service dogs of different genotypes2024-09-26T17:20:59+03:00A. M. Khokhlovhohlow32113@gmail.comO. B. ShevchenkoI. I. HoncharovaA. S. FediaievaV. O. YukhnoV. V. Borshcevska<p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. In the current situation of Russia's military invasion of Ukraine, national security, territorial integrity and state sovereignty are extremely important for the country's dog services. The benefits of using dogs are much greater than the costs of their maintenance and training. Dogs search for explosive devices, missing soldiers and their remains, detain criminals, and guard military facilities. Different breeds of service dogs are preferred for each special task. Purpose: to study the methods of training service dogs of different breeds of detection service by scent trail and to analyse certain factors affecting the quality of the dog's work. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. The research on the topic of the scientific work was conducted in the conditions of the dog training center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnytsia region. The following methods were used in the research process: zootechnical, analytical, calculation, biometric. The research materials were used for the study of German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever and Rottweiler dogs, which underwent a general training course and special training for detective work on human scent trails. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. Service dogs have been used in human life for centuries to protect important facilities and territories, mine clearance, customs service, detention of criminals, search and rescue of people. Training of different breeds of dogs for a particular type of activity, painstaking and careful work of dog handlers, on which the results of dog performance in different conditions of their use depend. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. The testing of sniffer dogs for human scent detection was carried out in accordance with the existing rules and methods used in the dog training centers of the National Police of Ukraine. The conditions of keeping and feeding the dogs met the standards and recommendations, taking into account the breed, age, live weight, specifics of work and workload, which allowed us to obtain reliable results in the experiments. In the organisation of training and coaching of service dogs, all our studied factors will help dog handlers to use the dog methodically and competently in real circumstances.</p>Copyright (c) of KIR-genotypes in women with preimplantation losses after assisted reproductive technologies2024-09-26T17:20:59+03:00K. O. Sosninakatja.sosnina@gmail.comD. V. ZastavnaB. I. TretiakO. I. Terpylyak<p><strong><em>Aim</em>.</strong> To analyze the frequency and distribution of <em>KIR</em> genotypes in women with repeated preimplantation losses during ARTs compared to women with control group. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. DNA isolation from leukocytes by the salting method, PCR-SSP, agarose gel electrophoresis; methods of statistical analysis. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> The molecular genetic determination of <em>KIR</em> genes in the group of women with recurrent implantation failures and in the control group of women was performed. The frequency and distribution of <em>KIR</em> genotypes in the study groups were determined. In women with RIF, a slightly shifted distribution of the frequency of <em>KIR</em> genotypes was found, towards the homozygous genotype by haplotype <em>"A"</em>, the frequency of which was almost half of all identified genotypes (42.86 %). The distribution and frequency of <em>KIR</em> genotypes in the control group was normal and described by the Hardy-Weinberg principle. A comparative analysis of the study groups using statistical methods showed a significantly higher frequency of the <em>KIR-AA</em> genotype (χ2=8.875; p<0.005) in the group of women with RIF compared to the control group of women. The calculation of the odds ratio indicates a 2-fold increase of risk for recurrent implantation failures after ARTs (OR=1.94; CI 95 %: 1.25–3.00) in women with the <em>KIR-AA</em> genotype. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong><em>.</em> We regard the <em>KIR-AA</em> genotype as a significant risk factor for preimplantation loss. <em>KIR</em> genotyping is considered an important molecular genetic test for determining the risk of fetal rejection by the maternal immune system, which will help to correctly direct treatment interventions to keep the pregnancy alive.</p>Copyright (c) disease HLA-markers in men as a genetic component of idiopathic reproductive losses2024-09-26T17:20:59+03:00O. I. Terpylyakoresta.terp@gmail.comD. V. ZastavnaK. O. SosninaO. L. Filenko<p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. To investigate distribution of<em> HLA-DQ2.5</em> (<em>HLA-DQA1*05:01</em> + <em>HLA-DQB1*02</em>) and<em> HLA-DQ8</em> (<em>HLA-DQB1*03:02</em>) genotypes among men from couples with idiopathic reproductive losses. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. PCR-SSP (polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers). <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. An association of idiopathic reproductive losses with the carrier of <em>DQ2.5 </em>– the celiac disease predisposition genotype in men (χ<sup>2</sup>=6.79, P<0.01) was established. The OR indicator (odds ratio) proves that the risk of idiopathic reproductive losses in the presence of the <em>DQ2.5</em> genotype in men increases 5 times. The results of the work indicate an equal contribution of men with the celiac genotype as a possible cause of reproductive losses of unknown origin.<strong><em> Conclusions</em></strong>. The study of <em>HLA</em>-markers of susceptibility to celiac disease in couples (both in women and in men) with reproductive losses of unknown origin is extremely important and of great practical importance for the purpose of preconceptional prevention of such losses.</p>Copyright (c) of the role of polymorphic variants G919A and A2039G of the follicle stimulating hormone receptor gene FSHR in the genesis of male infertility2024-09-26T17:20:59+03:00M. Y.<p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. To determine the distribution of genotypes of polymorphic variants G919A and A2039G of the gene <em>FSHR</em> (follicle-stimulating hormone receptor) among men with azoospermia. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. DNA from peripheral blood leukocytes was isolated and purification using a modified salting out method. Extracted DNA was amplified by Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR products were subsequently digested with the restriction enzyme for identify polymorphic variants of the follicle-stimulating hormone receptor gene <em>FSHR</em>. Electrophoresis of PCR products was performed in a 2 % agarose gel. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. Given that idiopathic infertility is overwhelmingly caused by genetic factors, it seemed necessary to conduct a set of cytological and molecular genetic studies in a group of men with azoospermia. The genetic component was verified in 28 men with azoospermia, which is 40 % of all subjects. Molecular genetic studies were performed and the distribution of genotypes of polymorphic variants A919G and A2039G of the <em>FSHR</em> gene among men with azoospermia was determined. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. A slightly higher frequency of homozygous genotypes GG of polymorphic variants A919G and A2039G of the follicle stimulating hormone receptor gene <em>FSHR</em> was found among men with azoospermia compared to the group of fertile men.</p>Copyright (c) analysis of 2554 samples of the products of conception from early reproductive losses2024-09-26T17:20:58+03:00I. R. Tkachtkach.iryna.ihp@gmail.comN. L. HuleyukD. V. ZastavnaG. M. BezkorovainaN. V. HelnerO. V. Benko<p><strong><em>Aim. </em></strong>Early pregnancy losses (EPL), to some extent, can be considered a mechanism of natural selection that prevents the development of defective fetuses, since it is believed that even up to 80 % of the causes have genetic disorders. Among the genetic factors of EPL karyotype disorders should be included first of all. Overall, up to 50 % of early miscarriages are caused by karyotype abnormalities. The purpose of this study was studied the contribution of chromosomal abnormalities to the genesis of EPL. <strong><em>Methods. </em></strong>Banding cytogenetic and interphase mFISH with the centromeric probe panel for chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, X and Y were used. <strong><em>Results. </em></strong>Were examined 2554 cases of material of early reproductive loss. A normal karyotype was established in 1638 cases (64.1 %), and a pathological karyotype in 916 (35.9 %). Karyotype abnormalities are as follows: autosomal aneuploidy – 478 (52.2 %), polyploidy – 256 (27.9 %), gonosomal aneuploidy – 182 (19.9 %). <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong><strong>.</strong> Among autosomal aneuploidies prevailed trisomy 16 (26.9 %), among polyploidy – triploidy (24.6 %) and among gonosomal aneuploidy – monosomy X (18.4 %).</p>Copyright (c) of FXIII, PAI-1 and ACE gene polymorphisms in women with recurrent pregnancy loss2024-09-26T17:20:58+03:00L. B. Chornachorna_l@ukr.netD. V. ZastavnaYa. Yu. ZaganyachO. I. KolodiyS. R. Tsybulka<p><strong><em>Мета.</em></strong> У роботі досліджували можливу асоціацію між 3 алельними варіантами генів, білкові продукти яких беруть участь у фібринолітичному процесі, та звичним невиношуванням вагітності (ЗНВ). Метою роботи було встановити частоту та розподіл алельних варіантів генів <em>FXIII </em><em>103G/T, </em><em>PAI-1 675 4G/5G</em> та <em>АСЕ I/D</em> у жінок із ЗНВ. <strong><em>Методи</em></strong><em>.</em> Дослідження було проведено у 102 жінок (57 жінок з ЗНВ та 45 жінок контрольної групи). Генетичне тестування досліджуваних генетичних локусів проводили методом ПЛР – ПДРФ. <strong><em>Результати</em></strong><strong><em>.</em></strong> В результаті проведених досліджень виявлено, що алель<em> 4G</em> локусу<em> PAI-1 675 4G/5G </em>більш поширений у жінок з ЗНВ (Р<0,05). Показано, що наявність у генотипі жінки алеля <em>4G </em>гена <em>PAI-1</em> збільшує ризик ЗНВ у 1,7 рази. У жінок з ЗНВ виявлено достовірно вищу частоту накопичення комплексних генотипів <em>GG/</em><em>4G5G/</em><em>DD</em> і <em>GG/</em><em>4</em><em>G4G/</em><em>DD</em> генів<em> FXIII</em><em>, </em><em>PAI-1,</em> <em>АСЕ,</em> та <em>4G5G</em><em>/ID</em> і <em>4</em><em>G4G/</em><em>DD</em> генів<em> PAI-1 </em>та <em>АСЕ. </em>Крім того, встановлено, що генотип <em>5G5G </em> та поєднання генотипу <em>5G4G</em> з генотипом <em>II</em> гена <em>АСЕ</em> чинять протективний ефект та достовірно знижують ризик ЗНВ. <strong><em>Висновки.</em></strong> Отримані нами дані свідчать про те, що у формуванні генетичного ризику втрати вагітності велике значення має як носійство окремих алелів ризику, так і їх взаємодія.</p>Copyright (c) control of seed formation2024-09-26T17:20:58+03:00O. A.<p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> To explain the rice seeds longevity from the point of view of genetic control of their formation under climate change. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> Analysis of the current state of scientific research on genetic control of seed formation, laboratory studies of rice seed germination, monitoring of meteorological conditions of seed formation in different years of reproduction, results statistical processing. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> Rice seed longevity of different reproduction years under conditions of formation in climate change context was analysed. Lower longevityity of experimental seeds under formation conditions with higher precipitation was found. Influence of genetic control, transcription factors on seed embryo formation and reserve nutrients in different climatic conditions is discussed. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. Rice seed formation conditions during higher precipitation had a negative impact on seed longevity even under optimal medium-term storage conditions. Additional research is needed to prove the change in transcriptional regulation of certain synthesis of necessary for seed formation and development under these conditions substances.</p>Copyright (c) plant growth promotion by actinomycetes from Phyllostachys viridiglaucescens rhizosphere2024-09-26T17:20:58+03:00A. I. KachorS. I. TistechokV. О. FedorenkoО. М.<p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> Actinomycetes are one of the main groups of rhizospheric bacteria involved in plant growth and health enhancement. This makes them promising candidates for the development of biopreparations in agriculture. The aim of this study was to explore the plant growth promoting actinobacteria isolated from <em>P. viridiglaucescens</em> rhizosphere. <strong><em>Methods</em>. </strong>Standard microbiological and statistical methods were used. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> 20 % of the isolates were found to be potentially capable of siderophore synthesis; 12 % – solubilized inorganic phosphorus; 26 % – assimilated atmospheric nitrogen; and 55 % – produced auxin-related substances. A significant part of the isolates produced auxin-related substances at a concentration of up to 20 μg/ml. The majority of isolates had at least one plant growth promoting property. However, among the actinomycetes, there were representatives that combined two or more properties. The strain <em>Streptomyces</em> sp. Pv 4-122.1 had a significant positive impact on the radish germination of the “Krakivianka” variety, while another actinomycete strain – Pv 4-204 – exhibited potential herbicidal activity. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> A significant part of the isolates has a high potential for the production of plant growth promoting compounds. Individual isolates can serve as the basis for biopreparations both to enhance plant growth and with herbicidal effects.</p>Copyright (c) of Bila Tserkva winter common wheat cultivars with respect to marker loci2024-09-26T17:20:58+03:00N. O. Kozubnatalkozub@gmail.comI. O. SozinovH. Ya. BidnykN. O. DemianovaO. I. SozinovaI. I. KucheriavyiO. I. BorzykhY. B. Blume<p><strong><em>Aim. </em></strong>We studied special features of the sample of Bila Tserkva winter common wheat cultivars with respect to storage protein loci and some disease resistance genes. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> To identify alleles at gliadin and high-molecular-weight glutenin loci, acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and SDS-electrophoresis of grain proteins were carried out. Alleles of markers for the disease resistance genes<em> Lr34, Tsn1, </em>and <em>TDF_076_2D</em> were identified using PCR. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> The composition and frequencies of alleles at the <em>Gli-1, Glu-1, </em>and <em>Gli-A3 loci </em>were studied in samples of Bila Tserkva cultivars released before 2011 and after 2010. For the latter group of cultivars, alleles of the disease resistance gene markers were identified. We observed a significant increase in the frequency of the allele <em>Gli-A1x(9) </em>and a decrease in the frequency of <em>Gli-A1c, </em>as well as a tendency for an increase in the frequency of <em>Gli-A3c</em>. In the total sample of Bila Tserkva cultivars, nonrandom associations of pairs of certain storage protein alleles were revealed. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The group of Bila Tserkva cultivars is similar to the previously studied groups of the Central Forest Steppe of Ukraine with respect to allele set and frequencies of the main prolamin loci, but differs in the frequencies of the disease resistance genes. A special feature of the group of Bila Tserkva cultivars is a high frequency of the allele <em>c</em> at the minor locus <em>Gli-A3, </em>as well as the allele association<em> Gli-A1x Gli-B1l Gli-A3c</em>.</p>Copyright (c) of plastid pigments in the leaves Triticum avestium L. under influence of composite recultivant Trevitan®2024-09-26T17:20:58+03:00S. V. Pydaspyda@ukr.netA. Yu. Dzendzel<p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> To investigate the efficiency of using composite recultivants TREVITAN<sup>® </sup>(RCT) according to the parameters of accumulation of the photosynthetic pigments in the leaves <em>Triticum aestivum</em> L. of the varieties Quintus and Licamero. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> The experiments were carried out on the plots of the agro-biolaboratory of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University in 4 variants (Control, TREVITAN<sup>®</sup> adjuvant, recultivants TREVITAN<sup>®</sup>, TREVITAN<sup>®</sup> adjuvant + recultivants TREVITAN<sup>®</sup>) and 3 repetitions. The content of chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids in flag leaves was defined by Welburn spectrometric method. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> The highest content of chlorophylls was found in the leaves of both varieties of wheat in the phases of flowering and milk ripeness during autumn tillage, seeds before sowing and plants in the earing phase with recultivants TREVITAN<sup>®</sup>. Joint use of TREVITAN<sup>® </sup>adjuvant + recultivants TREVITAN<sup>® </sup>also significantly increased the content of chlorophyll in wheat leaves. Increase of carotenoids in the leaves of plants of all experimental variants on 4.2–14.6 % (variety Quintus) and on 43.2–59.5 % (variety Licamero) was defined in the phase of milk ripeness. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The use of RCT in the technology of growing soft wheat had a significant impact on the accumulation of photosynthetic pigments in leaves during the generative phases of development.</p>Copyright (c) study of keratinases from the S01 family from Streptomyces microflavus strain Dsm 405932024-09-26T17:20:58+03:00L. V.<p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. Determination and study of the primary structures and domain organization of keratinase precursors (serine proteases from the S01 family) of <em>S. microflavus</em> DSM 40593 using bioinformatic methods. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. In the research information presented in databases on the NCBI server was analyzed. Computerized sequence analysis was performed using the BLAST program on the NCBI server. <strong><em>Results</em>.</strong> BLAST analysis of the genome sequence of the strain <em>S. microflavus</em> DSM 40593 was carried out using the sequence of the precursor AGK81825 as a query. Thanks to bioinformative analysis, seven genes encoding precursors of serine proteases from the S01 family were found in the genome of the strain <em>S. microflavus</em> DSM 40593. <strong><em>Conclusions</em>.</strong> In the genomes of streptomycetes, there may be more than one gene encoding precursors of keratinases from the S01 family. It was established that the amino acid sequences of the enzymatic domains of keratinase precursors from the S01 family are characterized by higher similarity indices than the sequences of foldase domains.</p>Copyright (c) of the isolation of yeast from the root microbiome of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)2024-09-26T17:20:58+03:00N. SokolovaA. I.<p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> Development of approaches for isolating yeast symbionts from the rhizosphere of various varieties of winter wheat for their further taxonomic identification, as well as studying the influence of yeast species on the growth and development of wheat plants. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Isolation and identification of yeast from the root microbiome of selected wheat varieties was carried out using microbiological and microscopic research methods. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. As a result of the investigation, conditions were selected, isolation and primary identification of yeast from the root microbiome of winter wheat varieties in different growing periods was carried out. The following yeast species were identified: <em>Saccharomyces serevisiae, Hanseniaspora uvarum, Papiliotrema terrestris, Pichia fementans, Candida subhashii, Torulaspora delbruecki</em> and <em>Candida</em> sp<strong><em>. Conclusions</em></strong>. The difference in the species composition of yeast-symbionts in different periods of development of winter wheat varieties Lisova Pisnya, Pereyaslivka, Bohdana, Smuglyanka, Podolyanka, Kolonia, Reform and Rebel was noted. The obtained data emphasize the importance of studying the rhizosphere microbiome, in particular the functional role of yeast, for understanding the mechanisms of interaction between the plant and the soil, as well as for the development of effective agronomic strategies in the cultivation of wheat and other crops.</p>Copyright (c) of superoxide dismutase isoenzymes in varieties and introgressive lines of wheat differing in drought resistance2024-09-26T17:20:58+03:00P. S. Tykhonovpavth@ukr.netО. О. МоlоdchеnкоvаI. I. MotsniyT. V. Каrtuzova<p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong><em>.</em> To study the variability of the component composition of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoenzymes under the influence of hyperthermia and water deficit in introgressive lines of wheat with different drought resistance. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. The activity of SOD isoforms was determined using native electrophoresis in an acidic medium in a polyacrylamide gel. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. Under the impact of stress factors (elevated temperature, water deficit and their combined effects), a redistribution of the relative content of individual SOD isoforms was observed in wheat seedlings of drought-resistant and drought-susceptible genotypes compared to growing under favorable conditions. The most significant decrease occurred due to the joint action of water deficit and increased temperature. Under these conditions, enzyme isoforms of medium electrophoretic mobility practically disappeared. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. The presence of low-mobility isoforms of SOD in wheat seedlings under the impact of stress factors (elevated temperature and water deficit) can serve as an indicator of drought resistance of wheat plants.</p>Copyright (c) and its effect on the gene fund in dog breeding2024-09-26T17:21:00+03:00A. S. Fediaievafed.anua@gmail.comI. I. HoncharovaO. B. ShevchenkoA. M. Khokhlov<p><strong><em>Aim</em>.</strong> Identifying problems and approaches to dog breeding that emphasize the importance of the quality of parents and hereditary factors in determining the offspring's quality. <strong><em>Methods</em>.</strong> Theoretical review of inbreeding and its impact on the gene pool in dog breeding, comparing it with outbreeding, and exploring natural selection mechanisms and their influence on animal reproduction. <strong><em>Results</em>.</strong> The paper discusses the principles of selecting breeders in dog breeding and provides recommendations for avoiding mating dogs with deficiencies in a particular trait. It also highlights the study of genetic mechanisms and their impact on the inheritance of traits in dogs. Two main breeding methods are considered in animal husbandry – inbreeding and outbreeding. The study findings indicate types of inbreeding and their influence on the genetic homogeneity of the offspring. <strong><em>Conclusions</em>.</strong> The breeder must clearly define the type of dog he wants to obtain, specifying desired characteristics such as appearance, health, and temperament. In the initial stages, the breeder must achieve stability in breeding offspring with desired characteristics, creating animals with a typical temperament. After achieving stability, one can begin fine-tuning specific traits by selecting for improvements in breed aspects. A dog should be viewed as a holistic system, striving for overall correctness and balance, paying attention to the interrelation between different aspects. The breeder must ensure the preservation of unique breed characteristics during selection. Effective selection involves careful planning, observation, evaluation, and collaboration with experienced veterinarians and breed specialists.</p>Copyright (c) 2024 of izatison on growth and development of Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Raim.-Hamet & Perrier) A. Berger2024-09-26T17:20:58+03:00V. A. Katsanval.katsan@gmail.comA. I. PotopalskyB. O. Zadorozhnii<p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. The investigation was performed to studying of the influence of Izatison on the adaptiv morphogenesis in plants. Kalanchoe Daigremontiana was chosen as the model. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. The plants, obtained from the plantlets of same age and origin, were grown as a soil culture in separate pots. The mature leaves from the middle layer of the plants were used for the investigation. The first versions of Izatison dilutions were used. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. The statistically reliable increase of the initiated plantlets on the leaf (P<0.05) was detected in the version with the greatest dilution for 5 days of exposition of the Kalanchoe leaves in the water suspensions of Izatison. The statistically reliable of the accelerated emergence of second pair of the leaves (P<0.05; P<0.01) was shown in tenth day in the versions with the middle ant the greatest dilutions. It was detected earlier emergence of the third pair of the leaves for 11–17 days (P<0,05; P<0,001) in the versions with the greatest dilutions. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. It was shown the possibility of Izatison to stimulate the initiation of plantlets and accelerate their differentiation and the growth depending from its concentration.</p>Copyright (c) methylation in plant adaptation to changing environment2024-09-26T17:20:57+03:00E. L. KordyumD. V.<p>The article presents a mini review of the current and updated, significantly expanded in recent decades information on DNA methylation changes in plant responses to unfavorable environmental factors, which allows it to consider as ecological epigenetics (eco-epi). Epigenetic regulation of gene expression is considered as the main source of adaptive phenotypic plasticity. We emphasize a great potential of further studies of the epigenetic regulatory systems in phenotypic plasticity of a wide range of non-model species in natural populations and agrocenoses for our advanced understanding of the molecular mechanisms of plant existence in the changing environment and thus for forecasting the effects of global climate changes on biodiversity and crop yield. Specific taxa of the Ukrainian flora which, in authors’ opinion, are promising and interesting for this type of research, are recommended. </p>Copyright (c) the composition and anti-radiation properties of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) in wheat seeds2024-09-26T17:20:57+03:00E. N. Shamılovelshanshamil@gmail.comA. S. AbdullayevV. E. ShamilliI. V. Azizov<p><strong><em>Aim. </em></strong>The purpose of the research was to study the chemical composition, develop methods for obtaining an extract from the leaves of <em>Salvia officinalis</em> L. and study their anti-radiation properties of irradiated wheat seeds of the Guneshli variety. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> Using qualitative reactions and chromatography, the content of lipids, essential oils, diterpene acids, phenolic compounds, macro- and microelements in plants was determined. Wheat seeds were irradiated using a URI installation (K-25) at a dose rate of 13.4 rad/sec, at a dose of 200 Gy. The amount of chlorophyll pigments, carotenoids, and malondialdehyde was measured using a spectrophotometer. Chlorophyll fluorescence in leaves was determined using a MINI-PAM device. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> According to the results of morphological and physiological-biochemical parameters of seedlings, 0.01 % and 0.001 % <em>Salvia officinalis</em> extract has a positive effect on growth and development, increases the maximum quantum yield of PS II and reduces the yield of lipid peroxidation product. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> It has been established that <em>Salvia officinalis</em> extract has a radioprotective effect and can be used as a radioprotector for some agricultural plants.</p>Copyright (c) of the geometry of Atg13 and Atg101 molecules while assembling the complex2024-09-26T17:20:57+03:00E. V. Bulgakovelihbul@gmail.comO. V. Rayevsky<p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> Associated subproteins which constitute the ATG1 multi-protein complex in plants and mammals, including ULK1 in humans, are orchestral protein kinase atg-units in resistance to stress stimuli across their different nature. The goals of this endeavour were to characterize the molecular nature of the interaction of ATG13 with ATG101, followed by <em>in silico</em> docking to catch the plausible ensuing integration into a multimeric complex ULK1/ATG1, which initiates the assembly of a PAS-preautophagosomal structure in the first step of autophagy initiation. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Protein structures were modeled by homology using AlphaFold, and molecular dynamics (MD) was performed using GROMACS 5.0 with the Charmm36. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. By implementing computer modeling methods, a complex of protein kinase atg-units for both ATG13 and ATG101 proteins, reflecting the interaction interface and conformational properties, was constructed for detailed interpretation while forming the forthcoming assembly of the ULK1/ATG1 multi-protein platform.<strong><em> Conclusions</em></strong>. This study provides a high-quality model platform for further sequential studies of protein-protein docking and protein-protein interactions with the possibility of reconstructing a model of the full ULK1/ATG1 complex to identify ATG8 binding sites.</p>Copyright (c) of protein-ligand binding sites modulating activity of MAST protein kinases2024-09-26T17:20:57+03:00P. A. O. SteshenkoS. P. OzheredovY. B. Blume<p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> Identification of the protein-ligand binding sites, that may be the target of compounds, affecting individual human protein kinases of the MAST family (MAST1, 2, 3, 4 and MASTL / GWL). <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> Literature and database search. <em>C</em>omparison of protein and ligand structures. <em>P</em>rotein structure modeling, structural superimposition, etc. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. The structural alignment demonstrates significant similarity of catalytic domains in MAST1, 2, 3, 4 and MASTL (GWL). It justifies transferring of reference ligands from PDB structures to human MASTs, discovering potential sites of ligand binding. 13 sites of ligand-binding were specified based on refrence ligands, transferred from RCSB Protein Data Bank structures, and differences in sites amino acid composition of MAST family members were discovered. <strong><em>Сonclusions.</em></strong> Based on the differences in the amino acid composition of the studied pockets in MAST1, 2, 3, 4 and MASTL (GWL), the sites B, C, D, E, F, were selected for further study and virtual screening for new selective inhibitors of individual members of MAST protein kinase family.</p>Copyright (c) features of carrot α-tubulin predetermining the natural resistance to dinitroaniline herbicides2024-09-26T17:20:57+03:00O. G. MelnykS. P. OzheredovY. B. BlumeP. A.<p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> To explain the natural resistance of <em>Daucus carota</em> L. to dinitroaniline herbicides. To clarify features of the carrot α-tubulin that may affect formation of the ligand-protein complex based on the structural and electrostatic analysis of the ligand-binding site. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Reconstruction of the spatial structure of α-tubulin from <em>D. carota</em> and <em>Toxoplasma gondii</em> using profile (Swiss-Model) and de-novo (AlphaFold2) modeling. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the built 3D-models in Gromacs. Analysis of the molecular electrostatics with PDB2PQR/APBS tools. Visualization and analysis of molecular structures in PyMOL. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. It has been shown that along with the typical positive charge of the dinitroaniline-binding pocket, all isotypes of carrot α-tubulin demonstrate negatively charged regions that may cause conflicts with the nitro-groups of the ligands. Also, the MD-stable negatively charged "bridge" between Cys316 and the aryl-fragment of Phe255 was observed in all α-tubulin isotypes. In our opinion, it not only competes with the cyclic fragment of dinitroanilines, but overall prevent the opening of the site pocket in carrot α-tubulin. <strong><em>Conclusions. </em></strong>It was clarified that natural resistance of <em>D. carota</em> to dinitroaniline herbicides may be associated with steric and electrostatic conflicts observed in in all α-tubulin isotypes. In our opinion, it prevents interaction with dinitroaniline compounds at the stage of primary site recognition on the early stages of protein-ligand complex formation.</p>Copyright (c) analysis of allosteric rearrangements in FtsZ protein structure induced by benzamide and 4-hydroxycoumarine compounds2024-09-26T17:20:57+03:00D. S. A. Karpov<p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. To reveal allosteric rearrangements of FtsZ molecules arising under the influence of benzamide compounds and 4-hydroxycoumarin derivatives. To discover the key molecular mechanisms predetermining the effect of the specified compounds on the cell division in bacteria. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Comparative analysis of FtsZ protein structures and their complexes with ligands. Application of structural bioinformatics software for molecular visualization, measurement of interatomic distances and approximation of intramolecular shifts based on RMSD indicators. <strong><em>Results</em></strong><strong>. </strong>Revealed conformational changes in FtsZ protein molecules, induced by allosteric effectors: 4-hydroxycoumarin – 4HC and benzamide – 9PC (PC-190723). Allosteric deformations and their consequences for intact FtsZ protein molecules, there GTPase domains, H7 helixes and C-terminal domains were studied. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong><strong>. </strong>It was clarified that the binding of benzamides causes more significant shifts in the structure of the FtsZ protein monomer, its C-terminal domain, and H7 helix. At the same time, 4-hydroxycoumarins deform the structure of the GTPase domain almost twofold effectively. Both classes of compounds prosses allosteric action through unique mechanisms that are largely realized through deformations and displacements of the H7 helix. Despite the fact that these compounds demonstrate different allosteric mechanisms of action, their final effect can be summarized to destructions in GTP pocket, protofilament interfaces and the general geometry of molecule.</p>Copyright (c) abstracts of reports at the XІX International Scientific Conference «Factors in Experimental Evolution of Organisms», (September 26–29, 2024, Ternopil, Ukraine)2024-09-26T17:20:57+03:00. .Copyright (c)