Faktori eksperimental'noi evolucii organizmiv 2023-10-23T17:15:51+03:00 В.А. Кунах Open Journal Systems <p>Збірник є періодичним виданням, яке представляє наукові праці вітчизняних та зарубіжних спеціалістів, написані спеціально для даного видання. В оглядових і експериментальних статтях наводяться дані з основних напрямів вивчення особливостей еволюції в природі та експерименті, молекулярної структури та організації геномів, генетико-біотехнологічного розширення генетичної мінливості живих організмів, генетики господарсько-цінних ознак рослин і тварин, сучасних методів біотехнології і генетичної інженерії при створенні нового покоління сортів і гібридів культурних рослин, ДНК-технологій і молекулярних маркерів у селекції рослин і тварин, генетики людини та медичної генетики; результати аналізу та оцінки генетичних ресурсів.</p> <p>Для спеціалістів у галузі генетики, селекції, біотехнології, екології, а також викладачів і студентів вищих навчальних закладів III—IV рівнів акредитації.</p> <p>Збірник <a href=";" target="_blank" rel="noopener">включено</a> до <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Переліку фахових видань України у галузі біологічних наук</a> (наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України від 17.03.2020 № 409). Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію друкованого засобу масової інформації серія КВ № 20936-10736ПР від 29.08.2014.</p> Contents 2023-09-14T14:52:56+03:00 . . 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Walther Flemming: life path and scientific legacy 2023-09-21T13:26:02+03:00 O. Yu. Mayorova M. Z. Prokopiak N. Y. Mishchuk O. M. Zagrychuk L. R. Hrytsak N. M. Drobyk <p>The main stages of Walther Flemming life and activity are considered in the article. Walther Flemming (21.04.1843–4.08.1905) is German biologist, anatomist, one of the most famous histologists of the 19th century and the founder of cytogenetics. He studied medicine at four famous universities of the German Empire – in Göttingen, Tübingen, Berlin and Rostock. After defending his thesis, in 1868 he started teaching anatomy and histology at Würzburg, Amsterdam and Rostock universities, Germany and Charles Ferdinand University, the Czech Republic. During the last 25 years of his life, he was a professor of anatomy at the Christian Albrecht University in Kiel, Germany and headed one of its departments – the anatomical institute.</p> <p>At the beginning of W. Flemming scientific activity, his research mostly concerned histology and anatomy, as well as the development of histological methods and fixation of microscopic specimens. However, the main works of the scientist are devoted to study cell division process and the chromosomes distribution in daughter nuclei. He firstly introduced the concept of “mitosis”, which he studied on stained microscopic preparations, using salamander epithelial cells as a source of biological material. W. Flemming described the processes in the nucleus, distinguished “progressive” and “regressive” phases of cell division. He demonstrated that the cells contain areas that absorb basophilic dyes. These areas were later called chromatin; other structures remained unstained under such conditions and were therefore called achromatin. W. Flemming studied the structure and functions of the spindle during cell division, and he also studied the polar structure, which he called centriole. The scientist found that indirect division usually occurs not only in vertebrates, but also in invertebrates and protists. He established that two successive, morphologically distinct divisions of nuclear occur during spermatogenesis, resulting in the division of chromatin into two daughter cells. Thus, W. Flemming’s research contributed to the development of cell biology and its branches.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Aprobation of common wheat molecular markers for the determination of the allelic composition of gliadins of Triticum spelta L. 2023-10-23T17:15:51+03:00 O. M. Blahodarova O. M. Ruzhitskaya O. L. Sechnyak F. P. Tkachenko <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. The purpose of this work was to test and compare the methods of storage proteins electrophoresis in acid PAGE and PCR with wheat primers for spelt samples and to evaluate their using for the identification of allelic variants of gliadins. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> Research was conducted on samples of eight varieties of <em>Tr. spelta</em> using electrophoresis of storage proteins in acid PAAG and PCR with allele-specific primers designed to the <em>Gli-B1</em> locus of common wheat. PCR products were separated by 7&nbsp;% PAAG, gels were stained with argentum (II) nitrate. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> The possibility of using molecular markers to identify allelic variants of spelt gliadins was shown. Using PCR using allele-specific primers for the <em>Gli-B1</em> locus, five alleles were detected, two of which were also described for <em>Tr. aestivum</em> species. According to the results of electrophoresis and based on PCR results, six allelic variants of gliadins, divided into two groups, were identified. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> Approbation of the PCR for the species <em>Tr.&nbsp;spelta</em> using allele-specific primers developed for common wheat, showed the polymorphism and the possibility of using primers to identify allelic variants of gliadins for spelt wheat. Compared to the method of electrophoresis of reserve proteins in acidic PAAG, the PCR method is much easier to interpret the results, but it does not allow to detect all the polymorphism obtained on electrophoregrams of reserve proteins.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Correlation of grain protein content with utilitarian characters in breeding samples of winter wheat, created with the involvement of western european ecotypes 2023-09-21T13:26:06+03:00 R. A. Vozhehova T. Yu. Marchenko S. V. Chebotar Yu. O. Lavrynenko H. G. Bazalii A. Yu. Zhupina I. O. Bidnina V. V. Bazaliy <p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> To establish correlation-regression models of dependences of grain protein with the duration of the interphase period "flowering- grain maturity" and grain yield in elite numbers in breeding nurseries. <strong><em>Methods.</em> </strong>Field research was carried out at the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences in 2019-2021. The object of research was modern winter wheat varieties of the Institute; collection samples of the Western European ecotype that were introduced from France and hybrids created with their participation Research methods are field, laboratory, biochemical, selection-genetic, statistical. <strong><em>Results. </em></strong>The nature of the manifestation of the trait "grain protein" in selection numbers selected from hybrid populations with the participation of Western European ecotypes of soft winter wheat, correlation-regression models of the dependence of protein, grain yield and the duration of the "flowering-maturity" period were established. The duration of the period "flowering-ripeness" ranged from 45 to 52 days in the best numbers, and each original hybrid combination had its own optimum, which determined high yield and protein content of the grain. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> For each hybrid population created with the participation of parental components contrasting in duration of vegetation, it is necessary to develop a specific selection plan taking into account intra-population correlation-regression models of productivity, grain protein content and the duration of the "flowering-maturity" period.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Realization of productive potential in winter wheat under drought 2023-09-21T13:26:06+03:00 O. I. Zhuk O. O. Stasik <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong><em>.</em> The aim of the work was to study the realization of the productive potential of bread winter wheat plants under drought (<em>Triticum aestivum</em> L.). <strong><em>Methods</em></strong><em>.</em> Wheat plants cultivars Bogdana and Perlina Podyllja were grown under optimal conditions until the earing-flowering phase, after that the experimental plants were transferred to drought regime for 8 days. Optimal water supply was restored to the end of vegetation. Leaf surface area, mass of shoot and grains were measured during the experiment. Ripened plants were analyzed by the yield structure. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> It was established that the effect of water deficit in the critical phase of ontogenesis of earing-flowering caused decreasing of leaf surface area, mass of shoots and grains more significantly in the Perlyna Podillia cultivar compared to the Bogdana cultivar. Restoration of irrigation stimulated the growth of shoots and grains, but did not compensate for the loss of their number.<strong><em> Conclusions.</em></strong> Water deficit in soil in critical earing-flowering phase delayed the increasing mass of shoots, grains and the area of leaves that caused the decrease in plant productivity.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Alleles at the Gli-A3 locus in groups of ukrainian winter common wheat cultivars of different origin 2023-09-21T13:26:05+03:00 N. O. Kozub I. O. Sozinov H. Ya. Bidnyk N. A. Demianova O. I. Sozinova Y. B. Blume <p><strong><em>Aim. </em></strong>The aim of the study was to analyze the diversity and frequencies of alleles at the minor gliadin locus <em>Gli-A3</em> in groups of common winter wheat cultivars developed in different breeding institutions of Ukraine in different periods of time. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> Acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of gliadins was carried out. To identify the <em>Gli-A3</em> allele of the cultivar Myronivska storichna, segregation in a sample of F<sub>2</sub> seeds from crossing with the cultivar Bezosta 1 was analyzed. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> Alleles at <em>Gli-A3</em> were identified in 511 Ukrainian cultivars. In addition to the alleles <em>a-d,</em> a new allele <em>Gli-A3e</em> encoding two omega-gliadins was identified in Myronivska storichna. The alleles <em>a</em> and<em> b</em> predominate in the total group of cultivars. Differences in the allele composition and frequencies were revealed between some groups of cultivars. A significant reduction in the frequency of <em>Gli-A3b</em> was detected for the groups of the Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute (PBGI) and the V. Ya. Yuryev Plant Production Institute (IPP) cultivars released after 2010. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The frequencies of the predominant alleles <em>a </em>and <em>b</em> are similar in the groups of the Central Forest-Steppe cultivars in different periods of breeding. An increase in the frequency of the allele <em>a</em> was noted for the groups of PBGI (the Steppe) and IPP (the Eastern Forest-Steppe) cultivars, which may indicate its adaptive value under conditions of an increase in the average annual temperature in these zones.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Hazelnut (Corylus domestica Kos. et Opal.) breeding results for anthropoadaptability 2023-09-21T13:26:05+03:00 I. S. Kosenko A. I. Opalko O. A. Balabak V. M. Hrabovyi O. A. Opalko <p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> Hazelnut (<em>Corylus domestica</em> Kos. et Opal.) fruits are valuable raw materials for the confectionery industry, the production of biologically active additives to food products and feed, as well as for obtaining from hazelnut oil the liposomal nanoemulsions and nanodispersions, which are part of medicinal preparations. The domestic hazelnut production level is insufficient and unable to satisfy either the needs of the processing industry or the demand of the population of Ukraine for fresh nuts. This motivated the search for ways to improve the assortment of this nut-bearing crop, foremost the creation of new cultivars in possession of anthropoadaptive features complexes. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Study of the alien and originating in the NDP "Sofiyivka" of the NAS of Ukraine <em>Corylus</em> spp. specimens. During hybridization, the sleeve cages made of dense FPP-15 (Petrianov filter linen) fabric were used to isolate branches with female flowers. Pollination was done without removing the cages, injecting pollen into the cage with insufflator MO-03. The parental pairs' selection for crossing, and growing, evaluation, and selection of hybrid seedlings was done using standard methods. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> It turned out that the segregation spectra for economic and useful traits of the anthropoadaptive complex in the progeny of seedlings from controlled intraspecific crosses did not significantly differ from the seedlings obtained as a result of free cross-pollination of hazelnut cultivars of the NDP "Sofiyivka" collection. Instead, the involvement of specimens of <em>C. chinensis</em> and <em>C. avellana</em> 'Fuscorubra' in the hybridization contributed to obtaining a number of new hazelnut cultivars. At the same time, in contrast to literature data, hybrids from pollination of hazelnut cultivars with <em>C. chinensis</em> pollen were better than in reciprocal combinations. So new highly productive cultivar 'Sofiivskyi 15' was selected from the seedling population of ('Garibaldi'×<em>C. chinensis</em>). <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> This discrepancy between the results of our crosses and the literature data can be explained by the fact that our <em>C.&nbsp;chinensis</em> specimens were introduced not from the initial natural area (China South-Central), but from the collection of Berlin Botanical Garden (Botanischer Garten Berlin-Dahlem) where they could spontaneously be pollinated with some other <em>Corylus</em> spp. The advantages of our new hazelnut cultivars: 'Sofiyivsky 1'; "Sofiyivsky 2"; and 'Sofiyivsky 15', which have been included in the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine since 2019, testify to the effectiveness of hazelnut breeding for anthropoadaptability.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Features of populations of hemp varieties with different composition of cannabinoid compounds 2023-09-21T13:26:05+03:00 I. M. Laiko S. V. Mishchenko H. I. Kyrychenko <p><strong><em>Aim. </em></strong>To study the biological features of populations of hemp varieties with the absence of narcotic activity – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) not higher than 0.08&nbsp;%, but with the presence of non-psychoactive components of cannabinoids: cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabichromene (CBC); cannabigerol (CBG); CBG and CBD. To identify breeding prospects for increasing the content of cannabinoids that have therapeutic properties. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> Samples of elite plants were analyzed for cannabinoid content by gas-liquid chromatography (GC Agilent Technologies HP 6890, Series Hewlett Packard). <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> The limits of variation of the population variability of the sign of CBD content of the Medana variety are from 0.0253 to 3.3469&nbsp;%, 75&nbsp;% of the plants of which contain CBD in the range of 1.0-2.2&nbsp;%. Studies of the Vik 2020 hybrid population confirmed a high correlation between CBD and THC and the absence of a relationship between CBD and CBG, THC and CBG. More than 11&nbsp;% of plants in the population contain CBG from 3.5849 to 4.6207&nbsp;%. There are no correlations between CBD and CBG, CBD and THC in these plants. The presence of such plants indicates the possibility of further increasing the content of СBG to 8&nbsp;% and above, without exceeding the THC limit in our country (0.08&nbsp;%). <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> Conducted research has proven that with the current permissible level of THC, the content of CBD can be increased only to 2.5-3.0&nbsp;% (Medana variety) through purposeful selection. The hybrid Vik 2020 is especially valuable, because in its population unique plants with the presence of several cannabinoid compounds with a THC content of no more than 0.08&nbsp;% were found. The obtained valuable breeding material of the Medana variety and the Vik 2020 hybrid is a donor for its inclusion in hybridization and further multi-vector selection in the direction of increasing of the content of CBD, CBC and CBG with the absence of THC.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Sensitivity of Taraxacum officinalis (L.) Weber ex F. H. Wigg Pollen to aerogenic pollution in the conditions of a mega city 2023-09-21T13:26:05+03:00 M. Yu. Mazura <p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> To determine the consequences of the impact of automobile emissions on the environment of the city of Kyiv using the palynological method. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> The quality of <em>Taraxacum officinalis</em> (L.) Weber ex F. H. Wigg pollen was determined by the iodine method (Gram staining). All pollen grains without typical signs of morphological structure (that is, all but normally developed) were considered teratomorphic. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> The effect of aerogenous load on the viability of <em>Taraxacum officinalis</em> plant pollen was studied at test sites of park ecosystems of the city of Kyiv with different traffic intensities and proximity to city highways. It was established that in the conditions of the metropolis under various effects of air pollution, the quality indicators of the pollen of the bioindicator remain high, within 77.79&nbsp;% (test site No. 1, which is located closest to the highways, where No<sub>x</sub> is 2.11 g/s, CH – 2,86 g/s) to 81.77&nbsp;% (test site No. 2 in Mariinsky Park, which has the best environmental conditions: the mixture of nitrogen oxides is 0.41, which is almost five times less than at test site No. 1 in Peremohy Park). The largest share of teratomorphic pollen (34.98&nbsp;%) was recorded in T. officinalis plants in Peremogy Park test site No. 1, the smallest (26.86&nbsp;%) was found in plants growing in Mariinsky Park at test site No. 2. When analyzing the data, it was determined that a high level of inverse correlation has an indicator of the fertility of pollen grains with all investigated components of air pollution (r = from -0.57 – Pb compounds to -0.73 – soot). <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> Therefore, the qualitative indicators of the pollen of the phytoindicator T. officinalis can be recommended for use in the system of ecological monitoring of the environment with different degrees of aerogenic load.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Study of variability alpha-amylase isozymes in wheat varieties of Ukrainian breeding 2023-09-21T13:26:05+03:00 N. V. Sandetska O. M. Radchenko I. N. Sheheda M. O. Dykun L. V. Sirant <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. To investigate the variability of alpha-amylase isoenzymes in soft wheat varieties of Ukrainian selection, created by breeding institutions located in different climatic zones (Forest Steppe and Steppe). <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Isoenzymes of alpha-amylase were detected by electrophoretic protein separation in a polyacrylamide gel. The fall number on the «Falling Number 1700» was determined. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. For a representative assessment of the distribution of alpha-amylase isoenzymes, we studied the zoned varieties of common wheat from two breeding centers located in different climatic zones: the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (Forest-steppe) and the Breeding and Genetics Institute of the National Academy of Sciences, Odessa (Steppe). The variability of wheat grain alpha-amylase was revealed. A search for associations between alpha-amylase variants and resistance to pre-harvest grain germination was conducted. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. The prevalence of alpha-amylase isoenzyme variants in Ukrainian common wheat varieties was estimated. Among Odessa varieties, the AbCd alpha-amylase variant predominates with a frequency of 50.0&nbsp;%. AbCd and AbCD phenotypes with a frequency of 38.8&nbsp;% predominate in the selection varieties of the IFRG of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It was shown that the genotypes containing the AbCD and ABсD isoenzyme variant are more resistant to pre-harvest germination, and the ABCd and AbcD variants are less resistant to pre-harvest grain germination.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Genetic analysis of the content of palmytic acid glycerides in the carriers of maize mutation shrunken-1 2023-09-21T13:26:05+03:00 D. S. Tymchuk <p><strong><em>Aim.</em> </strong>The influence of corn shrunken-1 (<em>sh<sub>1</sub></em>) mutation on the content of palmitate in corn oil establishing and genetic analysis of this trait. <strong><em>Methods. </em></strong>The effects of the <em>sh<sub>1</sub></em> mutation on the content of palmitate were determined by comparing the inbreds – carriers of this mutation with inbreds of the common type, as well as in the top-crosses of common type inbreds with the mutant inbreds. The genetic components of the variance in terms of the content of palmitate were analyzed in the diallel crosses of mutant inbreds according to the second Griffing method. The determination of oil fatty acid composition was carried out by the Peisker gas chromatographic method. <strong><em>Results. </em></strong>It has been established that the corn inbreds – carriers of <em>sh<sub>1</sub> </em>mutation exceed the common type inbreds by an average of 29.2&nbsp;% in terms of palmitate content. The level of the trait in the inbreds based on the <em>sh<sub>1</sub></em> mutation was notable as having the quantitative variability and varied within 12.2-15.6&nbsp;%. The content of palmitate in the carriers of <em>sh<sub>1</sub></em> mutation was inherited as incomplete dominance with a predominant contribution of additive effects to the variance. A higher level of the trait was controlled by recessive alleles of polygenes.<strong><em> Conclusions. </em></strong>The obtained results suggests the possibility of spatial linkage of the <em>sh<sub>1</sub> </em>mutant gene with palmitate-coding locus, the effect of which is modified by the polygenic complex. It has been confirmed, that the carriers of <em>sh<sub>1</sub></em> mutation expands the genetic diversity of corn in terms of palmitate content.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Evaluation of collection samples of soft winter wheat of the Ivanivsk research and selection station as starting material for hybridization 2023-09-21T13:26:05+03:00 V. M. Torianyk <p><strong><em>Aim. </em></strong>Highlighting the results of the study of breeding value in terms of winter hardiness, plant height, weight of 1000 seeds and yield variety samples of soft winter wheat cultivars of domestic selection, selected for hybridization in the collection nursery of the Institute's Ivanivka research and breeding station of bioenergy crops and sugar beets of the National Agricultural Academy of Ukraine. <strong><em>Methods. </em></strong>The research was conducted in sowing in the 2020-2021 cropping year in the southern forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. The object of the study were variety samples of the domestic selection of the lutescens type (10) and erythrospermum (15), who grew and studied their biological and economic characteristics according to generally accepted classical methods. <strong><em>Results. </em></strong>The average value of winter hardiness of the studied variety samples of both types was above 8 points. All studied variety samples were medium-sized with a low level of plant height variability. The weight of 1,000 seeds of the studied variety samples was about 44 g on average, the level of variability for this characteristic was low in the lutescens type, and medium in the erythrospermum type. The average yield of variety samples of both types was higher than 6 t/ha. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The studied variety samples were characterized by an optimal and high level of manifestation of economic and valuable traits, therefore they were recommended for practical use in breeding as a starting material for hybridization. The studied variety samples are suitable for use in production crops in the Southern Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Influence of alleles of the Ppd-D1 gene and different duration of requirement in yarovization on economic valuable signs of winter bread wheat 2023-09-21T13:26:05+03:00 V. R. Fedorova I. А. Balashova V. I. Fait <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. To determine the influence of alternative alleles of the <em>Ppd-D1</em> gene and phenotypic differences in the duration of the need for vernalization and their interaction on earing time and grain yield of recombinant lines of bread winter wheat. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Growing plants in the field and on the vegetation site, PCR with specific primers for <em>Ppd-D1</em> and <em>Ppd-B1c</em> genes, phenological observations, artificial vernalization, statistical analysis. <strong><em>Results</em>.</strong> 136 recombinant F7 lines from crossing [F1 (Chaika//Cappelle Desperez/2В Chinese Spring) / Kharkivska 81] F2 / Obryi identified by alleles of the <em>Ppd-D1</em> gene, characterized by the duration of the need for vernalization, duration of the period to earing, plant height, weight 1000 grains and grain harvest. <strong><em>Conclusions</em>.</strong> Genotypes with the presence of the <em>Ppd-D1a</em> allele eared 2.9 days earlier than those with the <em>Ppd-B1b</em> allele, and the lines with a 30-day need – one day earlier than those with a 40-day need for vernalization. Different combinations of alternative alleles of the <em>Ppd-D1</em> gene and characteristics of the lines regarding the need for vernalization significantly influenced the differences in the duration of the period before heading and the weight of 1000 grains. Among the lines that significantly exceeded the control varieties Antonivka and Kuyalnik in terms of yield, those with a different combination of two traits were found, but the share of lines with a combination of the <em>Ppd-D1a</em> gene and 30 daily need for vernalization was greater and they formed the largest yield.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Influence of sodium chloride on morphophysiological characteristics of wheat and maize plants 2023-09-21T13:26:05+03:00 M. A. Khanishova K. R. Tagieva I. V. Azizov <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong><strong>. </strong>The effect of sodium chloride on the physiological and biochemical parameters of wheat and maize genotypes, the identification of salinity-resistant varieties was studied. Wheat and maize plants were grown in pots in the soil with the addition of 0.5&nbsp;% sodium chloride. To create new salt-tolerant varieties of wheat and maize, a comparative analysis of the morphophysiological parameters plants was carried out. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Morphophysiological parameters such as growth, chlorophyll and carotenoid content, photochemical activty of chloroplasts and PSII activity have been studied in wheat and maize plant. <strong><em>Results</em>. </strong>The effect of salt on the amount of chlorophyll <em>a</em>, chlorophyll <em>b</em>, and carotenoids, which are the main physiological indicators, is manifested in different ways in both plants. When studying salt-tolerance of plants, differences were detected in the relative amounts of chlorophyll (a+b), carotenoids, as well as the photochemical activity of chloroplasts and efficiency of PS 2. <strong><em>Conclusions</em>. </strong>Among the varieties, according to all morphophysiological parameters, the most tolerant to the action of salt was the soft wheat variety Mirbashir-128, and the corn hybrid Belaya x Gurur.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Phylogenetic processes in dog domestication and breeding 2023-09-21T13:26:04+03:00 A. M. Khokhlov I. I. Honcharova A. S. Fediaieva O. B. Shevchenko <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. The significance of the problem of origin and selection of animals for practice is that by studying the main stages of formation of modern domestic animals in the past, scientists and breeders develop even more effective methods of improving existing breeds by targeted changes in their hereditary properties in purebred breeding, using hybridization and modern biotechnological technologies. <strong><em>Methods</em>.</strong> Using archaeological, morphological, biochemical and genetic research methods, scientists managed to establish the karyotype and genome of the wild European wolf and domestic dog. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. Domestication is the process of turning wild animals into domesticated ones. Over many generations, people have gradually accumulated experience in keeping animals, learned the laws of animal heredity, which helped to accelerate the domestication process and the formation of the original breed populations. The dog is the first domesticated animal, and the history of its domestication dates back to the Mesolithic period (12-15 thousand years BC). The wild European wolf is considered to be the wild ancestor of the dog, since wolves and dogs have 78 chromosomes in their karyotype, and when they mate, they produce fertile offspring. In the process of dog domestication, both morphological and physiological changes occurred compared to the wild European wolf. Since the domestication of dogs involved adaptation to new conditions in captivity, important genetic mechanisms such as mutations, recombination, a hidden reserve of heredity, and the direct effect of selection and selection were important. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. The representatives of two families of carnivores were domesticated – <em>Canidae</em> and <em>Felidae</em>. Dogs, as already mentioned, were the first domesticated animals tamed and domesticated by humans. The taming and domestication of the wild ancestor of dogs, the wolf, took place in the Mesolithic period, as is known from bone remains discovered by scientists. In different centres of domestication, different forms of wolves have been found that could be domesticated and gave rise to many varieties of dogs since ancient times. Further selection by humans has led to an even greater diversity of domestic dog breeds that serve a variety of purposes (guarding, hunting, sledding, service, and decorative breeds).</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Cytogenetic studies in reproductive function disorders: a retrospective analysis 2023-09-21T13:26:04+03:00 N. L. Huleyuk H. M. Bezkorovaina D. V. Zastavna <p><strong><em>Aim. </em></strong>Fertility disorders are one of the most common problems of reproductive medicine. Chromosomal abnormalities play a crucial role in reproductive failure. The main purpose of our study was to determine the types and frequency of chromosomal aberrations in couples with history of infertility. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> Karyotyping was performed in 652 couples with reproductive failure between 2004 and 2022, including 203 couples with primary infertility (PI), 240 couples with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) and 209 – with sporadic pregnancy loss (SPL). <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> Numerical and structural karyotype abnormalities were detected in 37 (2.84&nbsp;%) of 1304 individuals with infertility, most frequently in group with PI – 3.4&nbsp;% and RPL – 3.3&nbsp;%. Chromosomal abnormalities were detected in 3.1&nbsp;% woman and 2.6&nbsp;% men. The most common cytogenetic abnormalities (26 cases of 37; 2&nbsp;%) are translocations, reciprocal – 18 cases (1.4&nbsp;%) and Robertsonian – 8 cases (0.6&nbsp;%). Numerical and structural gonosomal abnormalities were detected in 9 individuals (0.7&nbsp;%), supernumerary marker chromosome – in 2 (0.14&nbsp;%). <strong><em>C</em></strong><strong><em>onclusions. </em></strong>Karyotype abnormalities are most common in individuals with PI and RPL and a occur with the same frequency among women and men. Numerical gonosomal abnormalities were detected only as mosaic form.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Analysis of KIR genotyping results in women with recurrent implantation failure 2023-09-21T13:26:04+03:00 K. O. Sosnina D. V. Zastavna O. I. Terpyliak <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong><strong>.</strong> To analyze the frequency and distribution of <em>KIR</em> genotypes in women with recurrent implantation failure after cycles of <em>in vitro</em> fertilization. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> DNA extraction and purification, PCR-SSP, agarose gel electrophoresis. <strong><em>Results</em>.</strong> The spectrum of <em>KIR</em> genes and the frequency of <em>KIR</em> genotypes in women with recurrent implantation failure were determined. The study group was divided according to history, in particular, a group of 84 women whose diagnosis was outlined by the concept of "repeated failed implantations" was singled out. Statistical analysis of the obtained results using the Pearson test (χ2) indicates a significantly lower frequency of the <em>KIR-AB</em> genotype (χ<sup>2</sup> = 9.7; p &lt; 0.005) and a significantly higher frequency of the <em>KIR-AA</em> genotype (χ<sup>2</sup> = 7.35; p &lt; 0.01) in women with repeated failed implantations compared to the general group of women with reproductive failures. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> Taking into account the results of statistical data processing (OR = 2.05; CI 95&nbsp;%: 1.21-3.45), we consider the <em>KIR-AA</em> genotype to be a significant risk factor for recurrent implantation failure after IVF. We define <em>KIR</em> genotyping as a genetic test to assess the risk of the embryo being rejected by the maternal immune system, and thus to direct medical interventions in order to achieve a successful pregnancy.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) The role of the HLA-complex genes in genesis of human idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss 2023-09-21T13:26:04+03:00 O. I. Terpyliak D. V. Zastavna K. O. Sosnina O. L. Filenko <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>.To study the immunogenetic prerequisites of idiopathic recurrent spontaneous pregnancy losses in humans of allo- and autoimmune genesis. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. PCR-SSP (polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers). <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. A comprehensive analysis of the distribution and frequency of allelic variants of the <em>HLA-DRB1, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1</em> genes testifies to an increased risk of recurrent pregnancy losses with a total homology of 50&nbsp;% or more in couples and presence of the <em>DQ2.5</em> genotype in a woman. The OR indicates that the risk of idiopathic recurrent spontaneous pregnancy loss increases 2.68 times when the homology of the couples is 50&nbsp;% or more for two loci (<em>HLA-DRB1</em>, <em>HLA-DQA1</em>) and 12.8 times when the homology is 50&nbsp;% or more for by three loci (<em>HLA-DRB1, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1</em>), and if the <em>DQ2.5</em> genotype is present in women, this risk increases 4 times. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. <em>HLA</em> genotyping of married couples with a history of spontaneous pregnancy loss is important for preconceptional prevention of recurrent pregnancy losses.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Gender pecularity of the material of reproductive losses 2023-09-21T13:26:04+03:00 I. R. Tkach N. L. Huleyuk G. M. Bezkorovaina N. V. Helner T. B. Snizhko O. V. Benko <p><strong><em>Aim. </em></strong>The prognosis of the reproductive function of women with pregnancy loss is complex and partly based on the results of karyotyping of material of reproductive loss. According to the literature, during conception are formed the same number of male and female fetuses, but more boys are born. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the gender ratio and incidence of chromosomal anomalies in the products of conception (POC). <strong><em>Methods. </em></strong>Banding cytogenetic and interphase mFISH with the centromeric probe panel for chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, X and Y were used. <strong><em>Results. </em></strong>Were examined 497 cases of material POC. Among all samples, female karyotype was established in 273 cases (54.9&nbsp;%), and male karyotype in 224 cases (45.1&nbsp;%). Gender ratio of female to male in the POC, regardless of presence or absence of chromosomal anomalies, is 1.22:1. <strong><em>Conclusions</em>.</strong> Depending on presence or absence of chromosomal anomalies in POC, the gender ratio differs: with a normal karyotype, female-to-male ratio is 1.09:1, and with an abnormal karyotype, it is 1.6:1, respectively</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Study of trinucleotide CAG-repeats expansion in androgen receptor gene among patients with suspected Kennedy’s syndrome 2023-09-21T13:26:04+03:00 B. I. Tretiak M. Ya. Tyrkus Kh. Ya. Bakum D. V. Zastavna H. R. Akopyan <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. To perform a molecular genetic study of CAG-repeat expansion in androgen receptor gene <em>AR</em> in individuals with suspected spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy’s syndrome). <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Clinical and genealogical, method of differential diagnosis, DNA isolation and purification, molecular genetic: polymerase chain reaction, electrophoresis in agarose gel. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. A molecular genetic study of trinucleotide CAG-repeats expansion in androgen receptor gene in 30 people with suspected Kennedy’s syndrome was performed. In 5 probands of the study group, 38 CAG repeats (the upper limit of the norm) were established and in 27 examined patients, the number of CAG repeats did not exceed 37 (the norm). Among the examined group of patients, was found a family in which three men had 49 CAG repeats in the <em>AR</em> gene, which confirmed the presence of Kennedy’s syndrome. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> Kennedy’s syndrome is a rare X-linked recessive disease that requires the development of specific biomarkers to clarify the pathogenic process and facilitate early diagnosis.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Prevalence of PAI-1 675 4G/5G and ACE I/D polymorphic variants in women with recurrent pregnancy losses 2023-09-21T13:26:04+03:00 L. B. Chorna D. V. Zastavna H. V. Makukh O. I. Kolodiy <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. The present study aimed to assess the distribution of inherited risk factors of thrombophilia among women with RPL. To determine the frequency and distribution of alleles and genotypes of polymorphic loci <em>PAI-1 6754G/5G</em> and <em>ACE I/D</em> among women with RPL. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. The study was carried out in a group of 97 women (57 controls and 40 women with RPL). Polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) were used to identify the polymorphisms.<strong><em> Results.</em></strong> The frequency of <em>4G</em> allele of <em>PAI-1 675 5G/4G</em> locus was more frequent in the group of women with RPL – 67&nbsp;%, compared to 54&nbsp;% in the control group. It was established that the presence of the <em>4G</em> allele increases the risk of RPL by almost 2 times (Р = 0.01). In the group of women with RPL the frequency of carriers of <em>DD </em>genotype and <em>D</em> allele of <em>ACE</em> gene was higher than in the control group (31&nbsp;% vs. 19&nbsp;%), but no significant differences were found. The frequency of women with a combination of <em>4G4G </em>and <em>DD</em> genotypes of the two studied loci was 16.6&nbsp;% in the group with RPL versus 2.3&nbsp;% in the control group. It was shown that the presence of homozygotes for two alleles <em>4G </em>of the <em>PAI-1</em> gene and <em>D </em>of the <em>ACE </em>gene leads to an 8-fold increased risk of RPL (OR = 8.6, CI: 0.9841-75.154, P = 0.04). <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. Significance of <em>PAI-1 675 4G/5G</em> and <em>ACE I/D</em> polymorphic variants, especially in combination, in the predisposition to RPL was established.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Population genetic analysis of the population of Luhansk oblast 2023-09-21T13:26:04+03:00 V. V. Shuba М. Yu. Gorpynchenko L. O. Atramentova <p><strong><em>Aim</em>.</strong> The aim was to analyze the population of Luhansk region and to investigate the possibility of surnames to differentiate populations at the district level. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. The general population census database of Luhansk oblast was used. Calculations of indicators of the population structure of the regional and eighteen district populations were carried out according to I. Barrai. <strong><em>Results</em></strong><em>.</em> The structure of the Luhansk regional population is characterized by the isonymy index <em>І</em> (2.4×10<sup>-4</sup>), the <em>F<sub>ST</sub></em> inbreeding coefficient (6.0×10<sup>-5</sup>), the migration index <em>v</em> (18.7×10<sup>-4</sup>), the diversity index <em>a </em>(41.7×10<sup>2</sup>), entropy <em>H</em> (14.6) and surname redundancy <em>R</em> (31.0). Indicators of district populations vary widely: <em>I </em>from 3.5×10<sup>-4</sup> in the industrial areas of the south of the region to 23.7×10<sup>-4</sup> in the north. The <em>F<sub>ST </sub></em>is in the range 8.7–59.3×10<sup>-5</sup>, <em>v</em> — 69.3–241.9×10<sup>-4</sup>, <em>a</em> — 4.3–29.0×10<sup>2</sup>, <em>H</em> — 9.7–13.4, <em>R</em> — 24.1–30.2. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The results obtained with the surnames testify to the significant impact of human economic activity on the population structure, which is reflected in isonymy, inbreeding and migration.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) The effect of free proline accumulation on the content of photosynthetic pigments in transgenic wheat plants 2023-09-21T13:26:03+03:00 O. V. Dubrovna G. O. Priadkina <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. To analyze the effect of L-proline accumulation on chlorophyll content in transgenic wheat plants with a double-stranded RNA suppressor of the proline dehydrogenase gene under physiological and stress conditions. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> <em>Agrobacterium</em>-mediated transformation <em>in planta</em>; biochemical determination of free proline content; spectrophotometric determination of photosynthetic pigments content; of mathematical statistics. <strong><em>R</em></strong><strong><em>esults</em></strong>. It was shown that the content of free proline in the leaves of transgenic plants under physiological conditions was 1.7-1.9 times higher compared to the original genotype. Under conditions of drought, the content of this aminoacid increased in non-transformed plants of the original genotypes by 2.9-3.1 times, and in transgenic plants – by 4.5-4.9 times. The amount of chlorophyll in the flag leaves of plants of the original genotypes and their transgenic lines under physiological conditions did not differ significantly, while under drought conditions in the first of them it was 1.1-1.2 times less than in the second. Drought reduced the total chlorophyll content in plants of the original genotype to 85-90&nbsp;%, compared to physiological conditions, while no significant changes were found in transgenic plants. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> It was established that under conditions of soil drought, the increase in proline content in genetically modified wheat plants compared to non-transgenic ones is accompanied by an increase in the amount of total chlorophyll (by 10-15&nbsp;%), which indicates a better efficiency of their pigment apparatus under stressful conditions.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Genetic aspects of seed longevity of some cereals and legumes 2023-09-21T13:26:03+03:00 O. A. Zadorozhna K. M. Zadorozhnyi <p><strong><em>Aim</em>. </strong>To highlight the importance of genetic aspects of seed storage on the example of important crops such as wheat, peas, soybeans and others. To show the response of different genotypes of samples to seed longevity under different conditions of seed formation. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> Laboratory studies of seed germination, monitoring of meteorological conditions of seed formation, statistical processing of the results. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> The results of monitoring the germination of wheat, peas, chickpeas and soybean seeds stored for more than five years were analyzed. At moisture content 5-8&nbsp;%, the difference in seed longevity of gene pool samples under different conditions of formation and storage is shown. The problems and prospects of such analysis are discussed. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The obtained monitoring results indicate the importance of the genetic pathway for predicting seed longevity. The transcriptional regulation of seed formation, which then affects its ability to germinate and longevity should be studied.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Acclimation of photosynthetic apparatus to moderate drought stress in wheat varieties differing in tolerance 2023-09-21T13:26:03+03:00 А. S. Kedruk О. О. Stasik D. А. Kiriziy О. G. Sokolovska-Sergiienko <p><strong><em>Aim</em>.</strong> Drought is one of the most harmful abiotic stresses limiting crop productivity. We study the ability of photosynthetic apparatus of winter wheat varieties differing in their tolerance to acclimate to moderate drought stress under pot experiment. <strong><em>Methods</em>.</strong> Dynamics of relative water content (RWC), chlorophyll content, CO<sub>2</sub> assimilation rate (Pn), activity of antioxidant enzymes in chloroplasts of flag leaf of drought-tolerant variety Yednist and less drought-tolerant varieties Podilska Nyva and Darunok Podillia during weeklong moderate drought at flowering and one week after resumption of optimal watering were studied. <strong><em>Results</em>.</strong> RWC and chlorophyll content gradually decreased from the onset to the end of drought period. In contrast, Pn inhibition was notably stronger at the onset than at the end of the drought period in Yednist and Podilska Nyva cultivars and remained the same in Darunok Podillia cultivar. On the 7<sup>th</sup> day of post-drought period, Pn in treated plants of all varieties was restored to the control level despite significantly lower chlorophyll content. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong><strong><em>.</em></strong> Photosynthetic apparatus of more tolerant variety has a greater ability to acclimate to prolonged moderate drought which was related to higher activity of antioxidant enzymes and resulted in less grain yield losses.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Green infrastructure, urbanization and ecosystem services – relationships in a megalopolis 2023-09-21T13:26:03+03:00 N. V. Miroshnyk <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. Analyzed the relationship between urbanization and ecosystem services of green spaces in the metropolis, identified risks and promising ways to improve management. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Methods of comparative analysis, classification, ranking of impacts were used. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. The relationship between urbanization and ecosystem services of green spaces has been studied on the example of the urban ecosystem of Kyiv. The risks of fragmentation, destruction, adventization, underground infrastructure, hydrological regime, and unsuccessful management was analyzed. The characteristics of urbanization and climate change for the urban ecosystem of Kyiv was presented. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. In the long term, improving the quality of green infrastructure ecosystem services can be achieved by reducing artificial surfaces, increasing forest areas and parks within the city, possibly through new technologies for vertical gardening, green roofs, rooftop parks, and economic incentives for the conservation of multi-tiered plantings of a large area. It is necessary to create continuous ecological networks of green spaces within the state, unite fragmented biotopes and preserve unique biodiversity, maintain regional environmental security.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Peculiarities of the protein complex of seeds of pea (Pisum sativum L.) 2023-09-21T13:26:03+03:00 O. O. Molodchenkova T. V. Kartuzova G. D. Lavrova S. V. Koblay L. T. Mishchenko Yu. A. Levitsky L. Ya. Bezkrovna <p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> To investigate the features of the protein complex of pea seeds (<em>Pisum sativum</em> L.) of varieties of Ukrainian and foreign breeding of different morphotypes for use at the selection of varieties of food direction. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> Standard and developed in Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry methods of plant biochemical analysis (Kjeldahl method, spectrophotometric methods, electrophoresis). Statistical analysis of research results was carried out using the programs Libre Office Calc (GNU Lesser General Public Licensev3), “Imagel”. <strong><em>Results. </em></strong>The study of the content of protein, 11S and 7S globulins, their ratio in the seeds of peas of Ukrainian and foreign varieties showed the presence of reliable varietal differences according to the studied characteristics depending on their morphotype. Using electrophoretic and densitometric analyses, varietal differences in the intensity of bands, the presence or absence of some components in the electrophoretic spectra of 11S and 7S globulins, which affect the nutritional value of pea seeds, were established. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The obtain results shown that it will be possible to select genotypes of food direction using the studied biochemical characteristics of evaluation.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Differences between genes of Streptomyces griseus HUT 6037 and S. coelicolor A3(2) that encode chitinases GH19 2023-09-21T13:26:03+03:00 L. V. Polishchuk <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. The goal is to determine the similarities and differences in the primary structure of genes that determine chitinases from the GH19 family of strains <em>S. griseus </em>HUT6037 and <em>S. coelicolor</em> A3(2). Investigate the distribution in streptomycetes genomes of sequences that are similar to <em>сhiC</em> and <em>сhiF</em> genes. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Information on nucleotide sequences and annotations of studied streptomycete chromosomes (including the chitinase genes <em>S. coelicolor </em>A3(2) and <em>S. griseus </em>HUT6037) is freely available in GenBank. The analysis of streptomycete nucleotide sequences was carried out using the BLASTN program from the NСBI server. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. Significant similarities have been established between gene fragments encoding the catalytic centers of chitinases <em>chiC</em>, <em>chiF</em> and <em>chiG</em>. No similarity has been found between the fragments of the sequences of the <em>chiC</em> and <em>chiF </em>genes that determine their binding domains. Sequences similar to sequences encoding chitinase binding domains<em> chiC</em> and <em>chiF</em> have been found to be common in the genomes of various set of streptomycete strains. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. Sequences of chitinase genes (specifically their fragments that encode binding domains) can be used in the classification of streptomycetes in addition to those used traditionally.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Properties of actinomycetes from the rhizosphere of Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. (Booth Island, maritime Antarctica) 2023-09-21T13:26:03+03:00 І. І. Roman І. Y. Parnikoza V. Y. Syrvatka V. O. Fedorenko О. М. Gromyko <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. Investigate the biological properties of actinomycetes from the rhizosphere of <em>Colobanthus quitensis</em> (Kunth) Bartl. and study their ability to produce bioactive compounds. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. Microbiological (isolation, synthesis of bioactive compounds), genetic and genetic engineering (isolation and analysis of total DNA, DNA gel electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction, DNA sequencing), bioinformatic (phylogenetic analysis) methods. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. 21 actinomycete isolates were obtained from the samples of <em>C. quitensis</em> rhizosphere. Half of the isolates exhibited antagonistic properties towards at least one of 17 test cultures of pathogenic and phytopathogenic microorganisms. Some strains exhibited both antibacterial and antifungal activities. The majority of isolates (70-95&nbsp;%) produced proteases, amylases, cellulases, almost 42&nbsp;% – nitrate reductases, 20-25&nbsp;% – pectinases and lipases, respectively. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong>. A collection of Antarctic actinomycetes has been created and characterized, which is promising for evaluating their metabolic potential as producers of antibiotics.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) The content of soluble carbohydrates and proteins in the seedlings of soybean varieties with contrast photoperiodic response under the influence of selective light 2023-09-21T13:26:03+03:00 Y. D. Batuieva O. O. Avksentieva <p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> Study of the influence of selective light irradiation on the content of soluble carbohydrates and proteins in the axial organs of seedlings of soybean varieties with a contrasting photoperiodic response (PPR). <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> As plant material we used etiolated seedlings of soybean (<em>Glycine max</em> (L.) Merr.) SDP Khadjibei variety and DNP Yatran variety. Etiolated seedlings were irradiated daily for 30 minutes (5 days) using LED matrices with red, green and blue light. Then the material was fixed and a biochemical analysis was carried out in the axial organs of the seedlings – the content of soluble carbohydrates and proteins was determined. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. GL and BL irradiation had the maximum effect on the content of soluble carbohydrates in SDP soybean seedlings of Khadjibey variety. In soybean seedlings of the DNP Yatran variety a significant effect was exerted by the action of all studied spectra, which was manifested in a decrease in their content in the above-ground part and growth in the root system. The content of proteins in seedlings of both varieties under the influence of selective light increased in both parts of the seedling. The most significant effect was observed for the irradiation of GL. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The effects of selective light irradiation are manifested differently in shoots and roots, which may be due to the different composition or activity of the photoreceptor systems of the axial organs.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Obtaining genetically modified winter wheat plants with partial suppression of the prolin dehydrogenase gene 2023-09-21T13:26:03+03:00 O. V. Dubrovna L. V. Slyvka L. G. Velikozhon <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong>. Production of genetically modified plants of new promising winter wheat genotypes with partial suppression of the proline dehydrogenase gene in <em>in vitro</em> culture and determination of proline content in transgenic and control plants. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. <em>Agrobacterium</em>-mediated transformation in culture <em>in vitro</em>, molecular genetic analysis; biochemical determination of proline content; of mathematical statistics. <strong><em>R</em></strong><strong><em>esults.</em></strong> Using the method of <em>Agrobacterium</em>-mediated transformation of callus cultures of new promising genotypes of winter wheat, transgenic plants carrying a double-stranded RNA suppressor of the proline dehydrogenase gene were obtained. The frequency of transformation with the use of the LBA 4404 strain in the studied genotypes was 1.7-2.0&nbsp;%, and with the use of the AGL0 strain, it was 2.0-2.3&nbsp;%. It was established that plants with reduced activity of proline dehydrogenase are characterized by a significantly higher content of free L-proline compared to the control. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The relatively greater efficiency of using the AGL0 strain for obtaining transgenic plants of winter wheat genotypes with partial suppression of the proline dehydrogenase gene in <em>in vitro</em> culture is shown. The presence of a double-stranded RNA suppressor of the <em>ProDH</em> gene in transgenic plants leads to an increase in the level of free L-proline accumulation.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) The influence of bacterization on the formation of the crop structure of soybean isogenic lines by E-genes in conditions of different photoperiod 2023-09-21T13:26:02+03:00 D. V. Hlushach O. O. Avksentieva <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong><strong>.</strong> To study the effect of treatment with the <em>Bradyrhizobium japonicum 634b</em> strain on the formation of the crop structure of soybean lines isogenic by photoperiodic sensitivity control genes, under conditions of long and short days. <strong><em>Methods</em>.</strong> The experiment was done in the field. After sterilization, the seeds were treated with <em>Bradyrhizobium japonicum 634b</em> and planted in the soil; control test - seeds treated with distilled water. Plants were grown under natural long day conditions (16 h), in phase V3 the experimental plants were exposed to (artificially created) short day (9 h) for two weeks. The elements of the crop structure were analyzed. <strong><em>Results</em>.</strong> In the short day condition and bacterization, we observe a significant decrease in the shoot length, the number of pods and seeds in short-day lines, and at the same time a significant increase in the indicators in long-day lines. In the long day condition, we observe more complex regularities, which, we assume, are associated with a closer and more specific interaction between the plant genotype and microorganisms. <strong><em>Conclusions</em>.</strong> It was revealed that the genotype and its interaction with the bacterization factor has the greatest influence on the studied indicators, both under short and long day conditions.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Formation of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and its effect on the possibility of infection by parasitic plants 2023-09-21T13:26:02+03:00 Zh. Z. Guralchuk Ye. Yu. Morderer <p><strong><em>Aim.</em></strong> The purpose of the work is to analyze the data available in the literature on the mechanisms of formation of mycorrhizal symbiosis, in particular, the participation of strigolactones in this process and the influence of mycorrhizal symbiosis on the possibility of plant infection by parasitic plants. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> The article provides a brief overview of the formation of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and the role of strigolactones in this process. Evidence is provided that strigolactones secreted by roots into the rhizosphere are signal molecules for AM fungi, as they stimulate their metabolism and induce spore germination, growth and branching of hyphae of AM fungi. In turn, AM fungi release signaling molecules that initiate processes related to the formation of symbiosis in plants. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> Data available in the literature indicate that strigolactones play an important role in the formation of mycorrhizal symbiosis. Mycorrhizal plants are often less susceptible to infection by parasitic plants, which may depend on the species of both the host plant and the AM fungus. The formation of mycorrhizal symbiosis can be a factor that weakens the infection by parasitic plants, the study of this issue can be important for increasing the effectiveness of the fight against parasitic plants.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Evaluation of the phenotypic polymorphism of the pattern of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say pronotum in the conditions of Kamianka-Buzka city (Lviv Oblast) 2023-09-21T13:26:02+03:00 M. A. Kryzhanovska M. Z. Prokopiak H. M. Holinei L. O. Shevchyk <p><strong><em>Aim</em></strong><strong>. </strong>The Colorado potato beetle population is characterized by a high degree of polymorphism. This provides a high level of adaptability to the most diverse distribution conditions. The aim is to the study of the variability of the pattern of <em>Leptinotarsa decemlineata</em> pronotum in June 2021 and June 2022. <strong><em>Methods</em></strong>. The analysis of the phenotypic variability of <em>L.&nbsp;decemlineata</em> population of Kamianka-Buzka city based on studying the presence or absence of certain phens, their number and placement according to Tauer method. <strong><em>Results</em></strong><strong>. </strong>22 variations of phens belonging to <em>A, B, C, D, E, G, K, L, M, P</em> groups were found. The dominant were phens of <em>A, B, C, D, E, F</em> groups. The most variable were the phens of <em>A</em> and <em>E</em> groups. The phenotypic structure of the colorado beetle population was determined according to Kohmaniuk’s classification. It was found that the dominant morphs in 2021 and 2022 were <em>U </em>(42&nbsp;% and 27&nbsp;%), <em>UP</em> (13&nbsp;% and 18&nbsp;%) and <em>V</em> (23&nbsp;% and 21&nbsp;%), respectively. <strong><em>Conclusions</em></strong><strong>. </strong>The analysis of the frequency of phenoforms according to the Fasulati method showed that in the population of 2021 and 2022, phenoforms 3, 6 and 9 were dominant. They form the basis of the population and ensure the resistance of the population to the insecticides. The study of the intrapopulation diversity indicates an unbalanced population structure of <em>L. decemlineata</em>.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Cytogenetic changes in irradiated rats under influence of guaninium-zinc chloride complex 2023-09-21T13:26:02+03:00 E. N. Shamilov A. S. Abdullayev V. E. Shamilli M. F. Farajov I. V. Azizov K. A. Hajiyev A. A. Jalilova <p><strong><em>Aim. </em></strong>The main goal of this study was to study the anti-radiation effect of guaninium-zinc chloride complex on cytogenetic changes in irradiated rats. <strong><em>Methods.</em></strong> White rats of the Wistar line with an average weight of 110-125 grams served as the material for the detection of the anti-radiation effect of guaninium-zinc chloride complex. Animals were injected intraperitoneally with solutions of guaninium-zinc chloride complex at a concentration of 40 mg/kg 2 hours before irradiation and were subjected to general uniform gamma irradiation from a <sup>60</sup>Co source in the Rukhund-20000 irradiation unit at a dose of 3 and 5 Gy. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> Cytogenetic analysis of animals showed that with a single injection of guaninium-zinc chloride complex solutions before irradiation, the proportion of chromosomal abnormalities decreased markedly, and reached 2.93&nbsp;%, and the amount of abnormal spermatozoa markedly decreased. Guaninium-zinc chloride complex softened the damaging effects of ionizing radiation. There was no suppression of cell division. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> It was found for the first time that, with the introduction of a solution of guaninium-zinc chloride complex in white Wistar rats before irradiation, it reduces the damaging effect of gamma irradiation. The obtained data gives grounds to assume that the guaninium-zinc chloride complex tested by us can be recommended as a promising anti-radiation agent.</p> 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Selected abstracts of reports at the XVІІІ Intrnational Scientific Conference «Factors in Experimental Evolution of Organisms», (September 26–29, 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine) 2023-10-02T11:07:36+03:00 . . 2023-09-01T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c)